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Its Been 3 Months But It Still Hurts...

Guest Coyote

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This photo was taken August 17. Our beautiful tripod girl could no longer walk on her remaining hind leg for the pain of cancer had returned. Lying down in the grass in the sunlight that day, she seemed so peaceful and happy (see that smile?). The following day, August 18th...I laid down with her ALL DAY in the back yard. It was sunny and beautiful. She laid her head against me and I cried and cried. I fed her every forbidden treat you can imagine....donuts, chocolate, a whole can of red salmon. Then I put her in the car for her last trip to the vet. I held her so close when she was on the table, I could see her eyelids getting heavy, I could feel her warm breath against my ear...and then it stopped. Her pain was gone. Mine is still here. When I left the vets office, it was suddenly raining. I thought "Endear tears".


There will never be another dog quite like Endear.


:brokenheart Missing you so much today Baby Girl.

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I'm so sorry. :grouphugf_yellow She was a beautiful girl.

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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Guest TheMackeyPack

Elizabeth I so understand. I miss Annie so much it hurts some times. I miss her scampering around the bac yard, I miss her sweet fave snuggleing with me, I miss her puppy smell, and miss how she would lay on me like a lap dog.

I am right there with ya


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Guest Ferrevergrey

I'm so sorry, she's so beautiful! I know how bad it still hurts! It'll be 2 months on Sunday since my heartchild, Peek-a-boo Bandit, crossed the bridge, and it still hurts!!!!! Unlike you, I wasn't able to be there, feed him forbidden treats, hold him one least time and tell him how much I loved him. If only I could have been, I would have been! I still can't look at another ferret(which I hope to change when I pick up a little ferret boy for rescue today!), or even pictures of Boo without crying. They sure leave a large hole in your heart when they leave don't they? :grouphug

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The pain has never completely ever gone away for me, nor do I think it ever will. A piece of my heart leaves with each of my bridge kids. I do know it becomes more tolerable with the passing of time, and I can share more about the wonderful times I did have with my bridge kids. Gentlest of hugs to you. :bighug

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I am so so sorry for your loss and pain. I know those feelings so well....I really don't think we ever get over that pain...it just becomes a little more tolerable. :grouphug:f_red


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Harlie sends you hugs all the way from New Orleans.




Awww, thats so sweet! How could THAT not cheer me up??


Thank you all for your kind words and hugs. It helped me make it through a very tough day. I know many of you have been through this and I'm not alone. As Ferrever grey said, it leaves a huge hole in your heart. I honestly think its like losing a child. Thanks for your compassion, it means a lot to me.

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I am so sorry for I feel your pain as you know I have lost a Grey to Osteo and so I feel your pain.

The weird thing is is that day for me, when I PMTS the vet siad he needed one more shot and said she's is trying to fight to stay alive from the first shot.

So I broke down harder. Because I was thinking she was trying to stay alive because she knew I was upset.

I am here for you Elizabeth Pm me anytime


Shelby - Hyuall 8 yrs old (Coldwater Guv x Coldwater Mesa) Litter #97183

Major - Rapido Ramrod 7 yrs old (Iruska Excalibur x Kacy Marque) Litter #18841

Sadie - Hank's Erin 3 years old (Hallo West Acre x Noble Storm) Litter# 40759

Sgt Bilko - Our 13 yr old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix - Running at the bridge Kurri, Kassidy and Dove


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Guest mleg2001


I understand your pain as well, last year a fall by Callie turned into my worst nightmare, at first I was told it was a torn muscles, but as she continued to deteoriate I was told torn ligaments in the knee, and as I was getting ready to go ahead with surgery and the prework up I got the worst news cancer in the pelvic area as well, by that point she could no longer stand up or lay down on her own, it is almost 11 months since she went to the bridge, I really miss my goofy, rowdy girl.

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