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Thank You

Guest Sherry

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Guest Sherry

I just returned home last night from a trip and when I went to the Neil Diamond Board I saw a post from BJ telling me to come here, she had posted a remembrance of my Elway on the board. Jim and I came to the board right away and read BJ's message and all of your posts. We both cried we were so touched by all of your love and support. I do not know BJ other than to know she is wonderful person Eydie ( a good friend) knows-it figures they would put two special people together!!!! Thank you BJ for doing this you are so very nice and kind and caring. Thank you everyone for your beautiful posts about our Elway. I know we each think our Grey is the SPECIAL one and you know what- they all are. I received a nice letter from Elway's foster mom reminding me of --Mr. My Way Elway-and how he would refuse to move any further on walks and looked at you as if to say--okay I am serious about this I am not taking one more step unless it is towards home!!!!!!

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Guest how888

These greys can send you to wonderful jouneys and to people you never came in contact with before.It's like they open a path for us to all meet.I am so glad you found us and hope to see you on here more often.My deepest sympathy and I want you to know I was actually humming words of Neil Diamond today instead of John lennon and Elton John.Now that is strange!!!! Godspeed and I know Elway is up there "Somewhere Over The Rainbow' looking down on you........just believe. :gh_run:gh_run

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Guest auntiesara

Yes, GT also helped us with the loss of Rosie and with picking up her urn. It is so hard ,but at least we have all shared the same experience and we won't get "it was only a dog-you can get another one " comments here. I truly believe we WILL see them again...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sherry I just now saw your post.. I'm so glad you came over to greytalk and saw how touched everyone was by your story and your love of Elway. These are a great bunch of people over here, I share them whenever I can :)



Major & Black Jack are the BEST Doggies in the WORLD

A Major Presence - MAJOR - March 10, 1999 - January 13, 2011

Little Joe - BLACK JACK - July 31, 1998 - February 8, 2011


"If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. " - Randy Pausch

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