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Mistreatment of Greyhounds?

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I'm sure we've all read web sites about adopting retired greyhounds.  Most talk about the reasons for adoption and what great pets they make.  Our newly acquired grey fits the descriptions perfectly.  Some of the sites describe a major reason to adopt a grey is how they are mistreated.  Crating for long periods, poor nourishment, etc; you've read about all that.  Most of these sites are hosted by animal rights people and I have nothing against good treatment of ALL animals.

But I have to wonder if the greys are as mistreated as some describe.  It seems to me that a breeder/owner/trainer would treat the dogs well.  It would be counterproductive to abuse/mistreat the very resource on which these people depend for a living.  It probably costs quite a bit to train, feed, and race these dogs.  A mistreated dog isn't going to perform well.

Racing is the very reason the breed exists.  Without it, we wouldn’t have these dogs around.  Granted, dogs at tracks aren't given the same treatment as the ones we adopt.  But are they mistreated as badly as some would have us believe?  I suspect not.

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My thoughts are unfortunately topics like this are like politics, and don't end well. General consensus seems to be there was widespread poor treatment historically, but not currently in the US.


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