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Squat, Move, Squat, Move, Squat, Move, Pee!

Guest kirkevonphilly

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Guest kirkevonphilly

Our 5yo girl is often a test of patience when taking her outside :flip


She'll find a nice spot to pee, one of a few around the yard, then begin her routine of starting to squat (usually while still walking), unsquat and take a few more steps, start to squat again, repeat any number of times, before ultimately doing the deed.


She hasn't always done this and started a few months ago; we've had her for 3 years. Had a urine specimen taken/checked and didn't find anything then.


Taking a urine sample to the vets tomorrow, but do any of your lady greys exhibit the same behavior?

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I haven't had a girl hound before, but it does sound kinda suspect given that it's a recent change in behavior, and that it's a "trying to pee" sort of maneuver.

My male hound was very prone to UTIs, and sometimes they wouldn't even show up on culture, but a round of antibiotics would resolve his symptoms (for him, it was peeing indoors without any behavioral changes otherwise, or routine changes that could have prompted the indoor pees). He was also not a pee-er, but a marker -- he wouldn't squeeze a drop unless it was in the PERFECT place, and then only a teeny bit here, teeny bit there, and since he had a 5-liter bladder ( :lol ), this resulted in some loooong walks.
So yeah, he was actually a squatter, too, so he'd do the walk/squat, walk/squat, but he was actually peeing each time.

Just from what I've heard around GT over the years, it could be that there's some buildup in her lady parts that's causing general irritation in the vicinity? if nothing shows up on culture...

Hope it's nothing, though!

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Could she have some arthritis starting in her hips? Daisy the Terrier does this - she'll start to squat, walk a little, start to squat, walk a little, and by the time I'm verging on crazy, she finally pees :lol She's 13 and has some arthritis, so I think her problem is pain-related. She'll act like squatting is uncomfortable (but she has no choice, so she eventually does).

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

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Wendy is 11 years old and has been with us for 9 years. She has always done this squat, move, squat, move maneuver before peeing and pooping. It's fascinating to watch her start to poo, stop, then move to one or two different locations before finally finding the perfect spot.

Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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Guest kirkevonphilly

We're having great weather in the greater Philly area, so we went for a long walk in a completely new area. She peed on four occasions, without the now normal routine. Maybe she's truly looking for just the perfect position in the backyard. We'll see what the urine has to say.

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Our newest addition, Kira, does this all the time! She was 3 when we adopted her and she just turned 4 - she is such a bubbly personality and a very high prey drive, I think she just gets so excited being outside that she squats to go and then gets distracted. I've seen her do this in the backyard and on walks. I've taken 2 samples to our vet and taken her in once because I've also seen her squat and only a tiny trickle (or drops) comes out - but she totally checks out.


Also, she was retired due to an injury on her back left leg and I've noticed that when she does squat, she kicks that leg out further than her right leg, so it might also be that's she's not 100% comfortable so she re-positions herself.


I think it's a combination of excitement, distractions and her old injury.

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