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Sudden Onset Of Allergic Reaction

Guest Ribe1966

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Guest Ribe1966

My 5 year old boy, suddenly became quite sensitive to touch on his back between his shoulder blades. He also exhibited extreme need to scratch, even while sleeping. About a half hour later, I noticed large(nickel to quarter size) bumps/swellings in the same area.....rushed him to the vet, who gave him a shot of Benadryl and a steroid shot. This seemed to take all the swelling down and he seems normal now. He has never exhibited any food allergies or reactions to plant pollens, and has been with us for a year. He is always leash walked as we don't have a fenced in yard, and I did not notice him react to any bites or stings while outside. Never seen anything like this, and he is not our first grey. Bug bite, perhaps?

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my ex went to the doctor with a strep throat once, he gave her a penicillin shot & a prescription for some tablets. as she was walking by the receptionist she keeled over in anaphylactic shock. doc luckily had some adrenaline for emergencies & she recovered quickly. needless to say she did not get the prescription filled but got another for a different antibiotic. i understood better when i had a bit of a chest infection and they gave me ampicillin, a penicillin variant i had had before without any problems, i broke out in a rash almost immediatley after taking the first pill and it itched worse than chicken pox ever did. for a couple of weeks. i am now allergic to penicillin/ampicillin & wear a little tag on my collar. (:))


i would imagine same goes for dogs, fine one day, bad reaction the next.


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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