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Freezing Pumpkin


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This year we planted lots of pumpkin plants in our garden. Now , we have lots of pumpkins ! My old Whippet needed pumpkin for fiber and digestion, and was lucky to have some stocked up in freezer. She finished it all in the time before she crossed the bridge. I was happy with

our new supply, then realized I have to clean it and cook it all. Have been doing it a few days now and then . Finally finished all of them ! Did 10 over weekend and 8 last ones today. We are ready to add fiber ! Don't want to see another pumpkin for a longggggggggggg time.

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I use it for pumpkin bread, or muffins. The last batch was used entirely by my Whippet. It will last Indefefinitly in The freezer. When I found out the price of pumpkin in stores, I was really glad I had a good amount for my girl. Now that I am finished cleaning, cooking, and bagging it, I am happy my stash it's growing. also I know it is organic, preservative free, and healthy especially for a sick or old dog.

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