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Moving Her Kennel

Guest Sarah2214

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Guest Sarah2214

When we first brought our Piper home 8 weeks ago, we placed her kennel in our front room. We've never really spent much time in that room, and figured this would be an ideal place to put her kennel since it's tucked away in a quiet place, and away from the cats so they would have time to adjust. She's adjusted so well to our home and to our cats, and we're beginning to feel that maybe it's time for her kennel to move into the "kitty room," since the front room was only supposed to be a temporary location for it. My cats have adjusted very well to her, and Piper has also very well adjusted to them. My husband is a little concerned that the situation would be pretty traumatic for both Piper and the cats. I'm not sure what to do. I expect Piper to need a little bit of an adjustment period with this, but I think the cats would handle this transition fairly well. I should also note that, during the day, the "kitty room" is gated off so the cats can be (mostly) free-fed during the day, and so I don't have to worry about Piper potentially messing with their litter. Piper only ever spends time in her kennel when we're away at work and when she's being fed, so I seem to think it would be alright for her to be kenneled in that room for those times of the day. My question is, would this be a wise decision? If not the "kitty room," then where would you recommend placing her kennel? I don't want a catastrophe on my hands, so any advice would be helpful!

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You are likely going to need to do more dog proofing the litterbox if it is open to the room where she will be able to spend any time. Either move it to a room or area that is permanently off limits to the dog (babygate with a "small pet door" works well, or babygate raised off the floor - as long as there isn't a great incentive for the dog to get in there). Cats often don't like being disturbed, or trapped/cornered in a litterbox, and if the dog ever goes to investigate when they're doing business you could have a problem with their boycotting it in the future. Not to mention most dogs love litterbox crunchies. Yuck.


I agree that putting in a really nice, comfortable bed in the room where you'll be spending time with her might be a way to go. She's got her "time to be alone" room to herself, and her "this is the greatest bed ever" when she's hanging with the fam.

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Baby gate across the kitty room door, with a space at the bottom for the cats, and ditch the crate. She should be more than housebroken after 8 weeks. The crate is a tool, not a requirement for the rest of the dog's life.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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