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Help With Aggression Toward Five Year Old

Guest makaylan

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I am going to be the one person who says yes, you should take her back.


If you're living at home with your parents and several younger siblings, I'm guessing you're pretty young yourself.


Unless EVERYONE in the home is on the same page, this dog is NOT the right dog. And clearly a 5 year old simply does not have the capacity to be on the same page in terms of boundries, etc. Children want a dog they can hug and play with. Many Greyhounds love kids, but some don't. Clearly this dog does not. It's a disaster waiting to happen.


Don't worry about the dog. They'll find a home that doesn't have little children in it, hopefully with an experienced Greyhound owner, and she'll be happier.

I guess I will be the second person who says she should go back, I agree 100% with GeorgeofNE. It does sound like these are huge warning signals to me. We adopted a sweet girl last year who was a return from a family who were doing some type of care for troubled children, don't know full details but it was assumed that she is fine with kids....they were having a baby, moving, blah, blah, anyway, she is petrified of kids, pulls away, tries to get out of her collar and run, especially if they are on bikes, scooters, it is clear to me that something happened there in that home. I walk her away from kids playing and never subject her to being pet even if parents ask permission, her safety and happiness are my priority. Greyhounds all have different personalities but generally respecting their boundaries is most important, they communicate with us, tail wagging, chattering, growling, its up to us to be educated enough to know what they are saying :)

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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If every single adopter returned during the first stages we would have more trouble than agencies already have. The OP has done the right thing. She saw an issue, she sought advice and it seems she is actually taking said advice and putting it into action.


Sometimes things are trial and error. I have kids and I have dogs. The biggest thing is to be willing and able to adjust.


Those that seem to always suggest "returning" need to remember that at one time they too had "issues" with a dog and were able to work them out. It takes time and I applaud any adopter who puts the time and effort in.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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