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How Soon To Vet Re Limping?

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My greyhound is 11 years, 3.5 months old. Since I've had her (adopted at 4.5 years) she has hurt her back once and pulled her neck a couple of times. She has a draggy hind end and the vet has been watching this re arthritis and using Metacam as needed the past couple of years. At her vet checkup one month ago, he didn't note any items for concern and did the bloodwork for her dental - her platelets were low but he thought it was from clumping in clusters and they had always been lower so no cause for alarm. He pulled three teeth out at the dental two weeks ago and she had the painkillers and antibiotics and Metacam for those.


In the week before her dental, I thought she was limping on a front leg too but post dental it seemed better (once the anesthetics in her system that she doesn't do well each year with wore off). Now, the past couple of days I think she is limping on the front again. And I think I know which leg....but then I start to wonder if it is the other. I *think* she is for sure favouring one and wants to go for walks (to smell stuff) but seems very unhappy about walking. And yesterday she seemed very unhappy (in pain?) - I am with her 24/7 so can notice when she is different. She is eating fine re the dental extractions so don't think it is mouth pain (she's still on soft food a couple more days). She is in and out of the car at least 2-3x per day and seems to be hesitant with that...now I can't tell if it is the front or hind legs (arthritis) that she is worried about when hopping in (on the floor then up on the seat).


Should I wait for vet x-rays? I know osteo limps show suddenly and are osteo is very painful and fear that given her age. But perhaps it is just the arthritis and me being over-anxious in constantly watching her walk - or the still not full recovery post dental and stress of being at the vet. She definitely seemed unhappy and limping yesterday...today, not as unhappy but still some (I think) discomfort walking. If it is osteo, I want to get her the pain meds ASAP (and treatment). But if it really is just a minor pulled leg or arthritis, I don't want to stress her out again with the vet visit (she already had to return once since the dental surgery day re a cut leg from the IV to have it treated and shakes like a leaf the whole time she is there).


Is there a set time before you check out a limp? And how am I going to explain I don't even know for sure which front leg? And in the past when injured and they bring her to the parking lot to "show them" she prances around like a puppy...."nothing wrong here...no siree..." so you can't even tell.... I just don't know what to do but don't want her in pain if I can help her. The Metacam isn't needed for dental now, but I gave it to her for arthritis purposes so she already has that and it isn't "fixing" the pain enough I don't think....

Edited by Kathy
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It would be good to have an x-ray now of both legs, if you are not sure. That will give you a baseline to work from. I would have a second one say in something like two weeks. Even if the limping stops. Osteo is so tricky.


I took one of mine to OSU for x-rays on the fourth day of the limp. The surgeons could not say if it was Osteo but they did say the leg should come off. The path report came back Osteo. Actually the Dr at OSU did not really see the limp. Said he might be leaning a little.


If your vet will not x-ray, find another vet. This is a greyhound.

Edited by Tallgreydogmom


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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Agreed getting an x-ray will provide piece of mind as at least you'll know. Now not all films show Osteo well but it sounds like you have concerns and I would do it plus get the films looked at by a couple experts to be sure, e.g. Dr. Coutu and/or radiologist, etc. Good thoughts for your girl.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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If you can, video your girl walking around so you'll have something to show your vet. Maybe a neighbor can walk her while you film, or you can walk her on a long leash. Try to get it from several angles. Take the camera/cellphone every time you go out with her, and be prepared to shoot whenever the limp appears. Also try filming her inside--anyplace where the problem occurs.


Is she limping worse on certain surfaces than on others? If she limps more on hard surfaces (tile, asphalt, concrete) than on soft (carpet, grass), then it could be a corn, although corns generally make an appearance much earlier in a dog's life than this. Also, don't push her to get in and out of the car--you don't want to risk a real injury--but if there's occasion for her to get out of your car before her vet visit, be prepared to film that, too.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Why does she have to get in/out of a car so often? Maybe you could leave her at home and just let her rest? I agree about the x-ray. I had mine to the vet the same day he started limping and to Charleston about 4 days later. They told me he had osteo. We could not manage the pain, so asked the vet to come to the house. I believe it is a terrible pain for them.

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Thanks for the suggestion on the video - I wouldn't have thought of that but that will be perfect. And for the reassurance it is better to check this out than just leave it.


And she seems to limp less on grass - and yet I've checked her feet for corns and asked the vet to check again at the vet appointment a month ago - but maybe one is just starting to appear now and that is it....


I lift her into the car myself when her limping seemed to be worse and I thought it would be less painful, but then she pushes ahead to "get in herself"....like "no! I'll do it myself....but then she'll pause and "psyche" herself up and doesn't normally hesitate - she comes to work with me so is in and out of the car for that - I carry her up and down the stairs (a fear thing, given open hardwood stairs) so she doesn't have to deal with those at all.


If I left her at home she would be upset since she always comes wherever I go. I totally understand letting her be quiet and rest - but she doesn't want to be left behind. Even when she is out limping on the walk, she is annoyed if I turn her back to make it a short loop, because she wants to be out and "smelling stuff" .....while at the same time it hurts to walk. :( Hopefully the vet will have positive news tomorrow.

Edited by Kathy
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