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Time To Start Flea-Prevention Meds

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I only use flea med's during warm weather. Some years not at all. Last year, lots of people's dogs had fleas - even those on meds - so although I haven't used flea meds for a couple years, I think I will think summer. My grey actually DID get fleas last summer - I caught it quickly - gave her a flea bath - and that was over. I haven't had a dog with fleas with or without meds - in MANY years before that.


So - what's the best now? I know there are fluctuations in effectiveness of the big name brands. I see that my Tractor Supply carries them - I've always purchased from my vet, but I think I can trust TS. I won't order online because I've heard too many stories of "fake" stuff.


I think I used Advantage last time I purchased.

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Guest jbbuzby

It's expensive, but Revolution is handy in that it covers fleas AND heartworm (but not ticks, which in your area, I could see as a problem). Some people find it easier to do a once and done thing though.


I know Frontline came out with Certifect that is a stronger/different formula that is supposed to do a better job...they just came out with it a few years ago when I was still working at a vet's office, and it was something they offered if Frontline seemed less effective. Also might be expensive, but worth looking into? Good luck!

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Guest sireltonsmom

I'm using Frontline Tritak as we have brown dog ticks in the 'hood. It's pricey but less so than treating dogs/house/yard.

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I'm thinking of switching to Nexgard. Would love to know what you guys think of it before I buy, considering it's more expensive than other comparable flea and tick preventatives.


I recently tried K9 Advantix- bought a year's worse, then ending up returning it all. I couldn't deal with the oily spots (which by the way, were ten times worse than Frontline). My boys got oil stains all over our bed sheets and the dog bed covers. It wouldn't wash off! I was also constantly worried about the cat, considering the amount of transfer from the oily spots onto the bedding. I wouldn't recommend Advantix.

Edited by a_daerr
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