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Couch Question

Guest Prof_Bananas

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Guest Prof_Bananas

We are still relatively new to having a dog and could benefit from the expertise of all of you (as we have already!) We got our dog about 9 months ago and have seen so much positive change in him. After having him for about 4 months, we let him have some "couch time" with us, which we have all enjoyed. He loves the couch (of course)----and we like spending the time with him. It has been good for bonding. Unfortunately, there have been a couple of incidents and we have a difference of opinion about what we should do.


Last night T. was laying down next to me and I was doing some work. I was shuffling around some papers and shifting around myself (he takes up a lot of space), and he got startled. I'm not even sure I touched him, but whatever happened, he growled and snapped at my hand with a fair amount of force. I had a tiny tooth mark (no blood) and a small bruise. No big deal. Because we've built up a fair amount of trust, I'm not nearly as concerned about this as I would have been months ago. It is the next steps that my husband and I disagree on. In my opinion, we shouldn't let him on the couch with us for the time being. Not as punishment, but because I don't want this, or something worse, to happen. This isn't the first time this has happened, but the other examples were much much less forceful.) My husband thinks that we should keep letting him on the couch, but not move unless we are certain he is awake, alert, and knows what is going on. I'm not entirely sure I can do that because I shift around a lot, and our couch is small. I wonder if he just isn't quite ready yet? He is a bit of a resource guarder, though he has gotten a lot better about that---but I don't think this is resource guarding. A baby gate keeps him out of there and he usually waits until invited to hop up. We did make him get down last night, but for all I know, he wasn't even aware of what happened. Should he take a couch break for some amount of time, and if so, what is that amount of time? Should we continue letting him on the couch but train him in some way or use my husband's strategy of making sure he is awake/alert? Is it just a matter of what we are personally comfortable with? Or are we potentially setting him up for failure? Would love to hear what others' thoughts are on this.


Thank you!

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We have had our Diego for over 5 years, and he is still not over his sleep aggression. He probably never will be. He loves the couch, he's the only one that roaches on it constantly. We know his reaction and just do not touch him when he is up there, nor allow our other Greys to get up on the couch and touch him. We always wake him up by calling his name before we get up off or onto the couch. We have had a few close calls, but have never had contact from his teeth. We (2 adults) live with it because we know how to treat it. We have a large L shaped couch, enough room for 4 greys and an adult.

So that's sort of what your husband is saying. You need to make your own decision because you know your living situation (couch size) and your Grey.


Good luck!


Tin and Michael and Lucas, Picasso, Hero, Oasis, Galina, Neizan, Enzo, Salvo and Noor the Galgos.
Remembering Bridge Angel Greyhounds: Tosca, Jamey, Master, Diego, and Ambi; plus Angel Galgos Jules, Marco and Baltasar.

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I'm with you in that T. shouldn't be allowed on the couch. For how long? ::shrug:: Maybe forever or maybe until you're sure he won't startle so easily. Your husband is sweet, but there may come a time when you two aren't the only ones sitting near him and he could snap at them.


Also, frankly, we all love our Greys to bits but you're the people and he's the dog. If he can't share *your* space nicely, then, IMO, he shouldn't be given the privilege. His spaces are his beds and wherever he's sleeping at the moment. You respect him and his spaces. He has to respect yours.

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Here at my house the dogs are not allowed on the couch.


But here is my 2 cents worth. Is it possiable that he was sleeping when you startled him? Sure. Could he have been only half alseep? Maybe, but I don't know. I wasn't there when it happened. Maybe for awhile he not be allowed up on the couch at all. Then maybe after a few week break start slowly inviting him back up on the couch. But then make him get off after say 10 or 15 mintues. it sounds like maybe he need more couch boundries and when it approrite for him to be on the couch with his humans.


But for now I would not let him on the couch with you at all.

Sarah, mom to Stella and Winston . And to Prince, Katie Z, Malone, Brooke, Freddie, Angel and Fast who are all waiting at the Bridge!


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Guest rarmstrong

Patricia McConnell's book Leader of the Pack addressed how to treat a dog after they have aggressed at you (her criteria included lunging, snapping and biting). She said to ignore them for a couple days and go through stricter obedience for what you feel is right (I think in her example she said a month). Stricter obedience meaning requiring some basic command before attaining any petting, treats, food, etc.


The book itself might be a good resource for this. I'm a dog owner newbie and have found her stuff to be informative.

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Guest AimeeBee

I'm with you in that T. shouldn't be allowed on the couch. For how long? ::shrug:: Maybe forever or maybe until you're sure he won't startle so easily. Your husband is sweet, but there may come a time when you two aren't the only ones sitting near him and he could snap at them.


Also, frankly, we all love our Greys to bits but you're the people and he's the dog. If he can't share *your* space nicely, then, IMO, he shouldn't be given the privilege. His spaces are his beds and wherever he's sleeping at the moment. You respect him and his spaces. He has to respect yours.


Exactly this. I would keep him off the couch for a month or so at least and work from there on him sharing the space if I were you.

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Guest Lillypad

Since you asked for others thoughts. I am of the mind that dogs have no place or need to be on human sofas or beds. I am no authority to say what negative or positive effects allowing dogs on sofas or beds have. But when I read posts like this, and there are a number, I am so glad I have a no sofa, no bed rule in place at our home. My girl has bonded nicely with the family and is very well socialized, so I believe she has not suffered in any way by not sharing our space. She has several comfy beds of her own. What is hers is hers and ours is ours and we all have our "space". It sounds silly to me if you are going to be uncomfortable and not able to completely relax cause your dog is on YOUR sofa. Whatever, you decide I hope things work out, things are new to him and he needs some time to adjust and learn the house rules. Congratulations on becoming a new greyhound adopter.



Here is a thread just posted, you may find this inspiring, proof that with patience all things can be worked through. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/306003-the-greyhound-formerly-known-as/

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My opinion, off the couch. I'm not a huge fan of Greys on couches just because then there is no room for me! :) But also it's to be safe in case one has a pup that sleep startles, a nasty bite can occur to no fault of anyone but the feeling you have after being bitten by your pup are never good. I say better safe than sorry as he has shown that he does react this way.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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If you are uncomfortable with him on the couch, I think you should be allowed that and he shouldn't be allowed on the couch. If T always waits to be asked, then I would insist that when I am on the couch the dog is not invited up (by me or my husband). It isn't going to harm the dog to be in his own, comfy bed on the floor until he has become less reactive and you both are more sure of him. There have been posts on people training the sleep startle out of dogs, by throwing soft toys or bundled socks and treats at them to reward a wake up. But then I have never had to deal with this, because Monty has never had a sleep startle reaction.


I think the most restrictive rules should win out, because everyone wants to be safe and secure and comfortable.


(ETA: and yes, I would say the same if the poster were the husband stating that the wife said keep off but he wanted him on and they should just make sure he was awake. Safety and security trump "but he's so cute and loves it up here" anytime!)

Edited by Fruitycake
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