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Grinding Teeth

Guest 18tjettagrl

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Guest 18tjettagrl

Do any of yours do this? It's the weirdest thing ever. She does it when she's asleep, awake, whenever. She's had her teeth cleaned and no issues but sheesh. It's not all the time though. And even more odd...she has this satisfied look as she's doing it 😳

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Looks like chattering to me, too! Susan was loud, like that. Others have been quieter - some so quiet that you could only see a kind of shivering and not hear anything at all. Sid really DOES grind his teeth while he chatters, sometimes, so that they squeak. I keep telling him he'll wear them down to stumps!


It's a happy thing. I suppose if your girl does it at inappropriate times it would be worth investigating for a neurological problem, but it looked like the 'happy chatter' in the video!


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Guest 18tjettagrl

It's not chattering however I enjoy when she does that but it's usually when she is waking up, kind of equivalent to a human doing that yawn lip smack I guess. Does that make sense? Not all the time but enough where I have to say quit it, and...she does lol. I'll try to catch her on video here soon so you can see. But just to add, her chattering has gotten more and more as well so to know she's happy makes me happy. 😄

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Guest 18tjettagrl

Oh my glob! And like that it's been figured out! She's not actually grinding her teeth, if only I could make an attachment of the noise without you seeing me it would explain. Its a yawn with air pushing out making it' sound weird like a woosh all choppy. I'm so killing this description. Whew!! I knew I should have been a detective. Lol

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Guest 18tjettagrl

I am more and more amused!! For the life of us we were thinking she was grinding her teeth. You are correct though!! She's good at very little movement so that's what threw us off. She's probably wondering why we were just gawking at her while she slept lol

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