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Licking His Wounds...literally

Guest DogNewbie

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Guest DogNewbie

Hello everyone!


Last Friday evening, Wiley fell through the creek ice at the dog park and scraped his Front Right leg getting out (the water only came up to his belly). The several cuts go from the inside of his elbow to just above the knee joints. We took him to the vet, they bandaged hi up, gave us some antibiotics (I didn't think they were necessary, but I am no dog expert as you can tell by my name :P ) and some medication to help with the pain. He seems OK, the wound isn't infected and he stopped limping but he keeps licking the cuts. I don't know what to do about this. My BF (who grew up with dogs) says it is normal dog behavior and dogs have clean mouths but I don't know. Today he was furiously licking and it started bleeding again. Do I bandage it all the time? Have him wear his kennel muzzle? Leave him alone? I have no idea. I just don't think it is helping the heeling process.


It is bandaged right now, as we have baby agility at 7pm and I don't want dirt in his cut as the facility is an arena.


Any suggestions?

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Yes, try and keep it bandaged until it has scabbed over a bit. If he won't leave it alone, use his kennel muzzle. If he licks through the muzzle, put some duct tape across the bottom half of the muzzle.


The air won't hurt the cuts, but you really don't want him to lick - as you've seen, it just makes them rip open and bleed more. You can help the process along by putting a warm compress on the cuts several times a day. You can also use sprays of several substances: colloidal silver, spray on neosporin are two options. Others will chime in with more options, I'm sure.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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You really don't want him licking his wounds. Many antiseptic sprays have licking/chewing deterrents in them. They keep some dogs from licking, but not all.

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Guest Lillypad

Sorry to hear about Wiley's accident. There is a 3 inch crust of ice over the snow here and the dogs keep breaking through it. I understand how it can cause damage. You are correct licking will not help. It is counter productive to lick, he will only hinder healing. The old wives tale about, dogs mouth being clean and that licking is beneficial it just that, AN OLD WIVES TALE. If he is the persistent type, he may just lick off the topical substances. Repetitive licking can cause a minor problem to become a major one. Does he try to pull the bandage off. My girl certainly would. I found the best way to stop licking was to use the muzzle and as suggested you may need to duct tape the opening (from the outside, not inside of the muzzle and keep checking the tape, I found the moisture from their mouth caused the tape to fall off repeatedly). I know from personal experience the muzzle is most effective. Most greyhounds are OK about wearing their muzzles, I hope Wiley is one of them. I also wonder is the bandage necessary? Wounds heal so much better/quicker when exposed to the air. You didn't mention anything about sutures, so I guess there are none to worry about being ripped out. The antibiotics, I think is a good preventative measure. Did the vet mention that antibiotics can alter the flora in the colon, you may consider adding a powder pro-biotic to his food. I have had great success with them. They are reasonably priced and a jar goes a long way. I have heard wonderful things about MANUKA honey, but didn't try it, my way of thinking was, wouldn't that taste good and encourage more licking. Here is wishing Wiley a speedy recovery, hope you both had a fun and exciting class at agility.

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Guest DogNewbie

Thanks so much Lillypad! He didn't need stitches, thank goodness! But now, he keeps licking the bandage, which can cause it to slip down. I am going to try and duct tape the muzzle. He is fine with it, he just looks so sad and it breaks my heart! Although, it is best for him then we will have to use it. I agree that wounds heel better when exposed to air. I tried spray bandage and betadine and he just licks it off :(


Agility was a lot of fun! Wiley even enjoyed it! He was way less tense and even did a few zoomies at the beginning. He was really good about "wait" then coming to me and running along side me, he would jump on and even lie down on the yellow table thing. He wasn't so keen about the jumps. "Mom, why do I have to go over it, when I can just go around?". But he did it a couple of times. We are working on "touch" with a yogurt container lid and he is getting it!


He will get better soon. The wound just needs to heel. I am going to pick up some bactine spray and vet wrap today and duct tape his muzzle.


Thanks :)

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