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Regurgitation Question

Guest lunasmom

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Guest lunasmom

Some background: I have had Luna for 4 months now (since the end of July). Her last race was in April of this year and she turned 6 in September. I have had no major issues with the transition so far. She is a complete sweetheart and got a clean bill of health at the vet the week I got her (the only thing he commented on is that she may need a few teeth extracted in the future. I started brushing her teeth and have noticed an improvement in her gums already. I also know that this is most likely just slowing down the process and she will likely still need additional extractions at some point).


My question: I have noticed that Luna regurgitates a little bit after most meals. Is this somewhat normal or do you think it warrents a trip to the vet? She does not act sick at all and it is not full on vomiting. She just lowers her head, sometimes accompanied by burping/gurgaling and up comes a few pieces of kibble (no more than a handful). Sometimes it comes all the way out of her mouth, but not always and she always eats it up pretty quick looking like she scored a free treat! If she regurgitates, it is only once for a given meal.


Other things I have noticed are that it seemed to happen more often if she ate from a raised feeder so I now put her bowl on the ground. Water consumption does not seem to contribute. There were times I removed her water bowl for about 20 minutes during/after meal time where she regurgitated after eating and times I let her drink freely after eating where she did not regurgitate.


I feed IAMS green bag mini chunks moistened with some water. Luna is 57lbs and gets 2 meals per day with 1.5 cups of kibble per meal (plus treats :))


Thanks everyone! Any insite will be appreciated. I have learned a lot from this site so far but could not find any other threads on this topic.

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Guest lunasmom

Could she be eating to fast? Also, I would video tape when it happens and forward to your vet. The vet should be able to tell if her regurgitation is coming from the stomach or if it never reached the stomach. Keep us posted.

It is certainly possible that she is eating too fast although it seems like a normal speed to me. I will try to get a video in the next few days.

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Guest lunasmom

I tried to get a video tonight but I ran out of memory as soon as she finished eating. She didn't regurgitate this time anyway, which is good, but I now know it takes her 2.5 minutes to eat her dinner :). Does that seem too fast?

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Sounds pretty normal to me.


Dogs scarf down their food pretty fast. George often hacks up a piece of biscuit or kibble. He seems to catch it in his mouth and re-swallow. Doesn't bother him, so I don't worry about it!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Marsroving

Mars also eats very fast and has scared me many times...imagine him choking up nearly a whole chicken breast(!!!!) and then licking it, and eventually picking it back up...doing two or three more chews...and then swallows it like no big deal.


I wouldn't be concerned..

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