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I Have To Wait For Breakfast?

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Not sure if this was Food & Dietary, or Behavior.


Sammi's eyesight has slowly been declining, especially at night. Going out to potty in the dark has gradually become quite the ordeal with her. No more night time walks, or early morning if it's dark. She won't leave the property. She statues, refusing to go. She cowers :( She takes ForEVER to finally go.


After yesterday morning when she ghost squatted and then had an accident because I had to go to an appointment (my fault, I should have taken a flashlight to be able to see and make sure she produced something) I decided she has to now wait for breakfast on school mornings.


Why? Because she will sleep in all morning... as long as DF and/or I are in the bedroom... on the weekends & not wake us to go potty, but soon as we get out of bed, she wants breakfast. Going that long also means her bladder/bowels can hold it longer than 6am on a weekday morning. But, she cannot last more than 10 minutes after she eats to go potty. So once she eats in the morning, she has to be taken out.



Today was the first morning she had to wait.


I got sighed at. Trampled when I went for coffee. Glared at. Puppy faced. Stink eyed. And finally, when it was light outside, I almost got run over when I grabbed her food dish. No issues going potty with the sunrise :)


DF is hoping to find the time to study the wiring to see if he can install a flood light out the back door for her. For now, I may look for a camping lantern for at least the last potty before bed. Even if he can install a flood light back there, will it even be enough? She gets so timid in the dark. Any sound/movement from the Terrifying Dark Beyond has her cowering and refusing to potty. :(

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Guest chickenpotpie

A flood should be enough. We have a motion activated one. Lucky isn't terribly shy about being outdoors after dark, but there are times when its very windy/stormy that she def. does not want to be out there by herself! I make it very fun for her, lots of praise, we play, you name it. Sure she can take forever to P&P but when she does, its lots and LOTS of praise. I also go out with her at least a few feet. That may be the thing that helps her understand its ok. I've noticed if I'm reluctant to go out at certain times, Lucky won't go either! I just generally suck it up and go.

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Our yard isn't fenced in (unless you look at it from her point of view and it is fenced by The Dark Beyond at night).


So she always has one of us going out there with her.


She used to love her early morning and her evening walks. It's been over the past year as her eyesight has started to weaken (don't notice it at all unless it is dark, vet thinks that her daylight vision is still fine, it's only very, very light cataracts and they haven't worsened in the past 8 months) that she has gotten very skittish outside. Always praise her for going potty.


DF has a game he plays with her after she potties, where he lets her bounce along on her leash and does a sing song "bouncy bouncy bouncy" next to her that gets her revved even more to bounce around. She will NOT bounce at night. No matter how happyhappyjoyjoy DF is, she makes a beeline and drags him to the door, head down and tail tucked like she is running from something.


Being Doctor Who fans, DF has joked that The Silence must be in the yard or trees at the back of the yard, because as soon as the door is shut and she is safe inside, it is all forgotten and she is happy bouncy Sammi again.

Edited by Gryffenne
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If the wiring is an issue, check out the Solar LED Floodlights at Lowes or Home Depot. No wiring required, motion activated, recharges in the sun, and may give her enough light depending on the size of the area you are trying to light up. I've seen some of these that people have installed on their garage locally, and was surprised at the brightness.


I would stay away from the cheaper units at places like Harbor Freight, as they won't have the output.


When you check the specs, be sure to look at the "Lumens". The higher the number, the brighter the light. Also check out the area it will cover. Most of them will have that info on the box.


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If the wiring is an issue, check out the Solar LED Floodlights at Lowes or Home Depot. No wiring required, motion activated, recharges in the sun, and may give her enough light depending on the size of the area you are trying to light up. I've seen some of these that people have installed on their garage locally, and was surprised at the brightness.


I would stay away from the cheaper units at places like Harbor Freight, as they won't have the output.


When you check the specs, be sure to look at the "Lumens". The higher the number, the brighter the light. Also check out the area it will cover. Most of them will have that info on the box.

Thank you! Will definitely check those out!


With winter coming, how much charge can solar items get when it's overcast for weeks at a time?

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