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Those Who Make Your Own Pup Food...share Your Recipe Pretty Please....

Guest Lexxy

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I was wondering how many of you avoid buying comercial dog food, and make your beauties meals yourself??


Can you share your wisdom and recipie and what you've learned along the way??




for those of you with older darlings, do any of you give Yucca Powder in their meals to help with their joints and such??



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Okay, I was HOPING to see some recipes here, but since I have not.... I will post mine and invite comment... esp from the raw feeders..... because education and learning is an evolving thing with me, so share what you know.


a) Vet recommended guideline is 2% to 3% of their body weight, then divided into meals per day.


B) formula -- 1/3 Carbs + 1/3 Veg + 1/3 Protein + suppliments.


CARBS, I use parboiled white rice. I have a dog with short single coat, and they often, regarless of breed, end up with skin problems/conditions and a lot of times food alergies. All the expensive foods use rice as the base, and white rice is more digestable than brown rice.... Now, there are occasions I buy yams or sweet potatoes and roast them in the oven for myself, and I know they are packed full of goodies, so I will share a bite or two off my plate with her, but this is not in my oppinion a viable option for inclusion in a meal bag... and on the same thought, if I prepare white potatoes, I may share a bite or two if they are roasted in the oven or something, but.... I stay away from mashed or potatoes covered in cheeses and sauces.


VEG, I use, canned string beans, both green and yellow, that i open and cut into smaller pieces (not only for nutrient but fiber content)... I use FRESH carrots that I cook whole with the peels still on (nutrient value) and then cut small... I use frozen peas because I prefer the color and texture and flavor to canned (and I think Olivia does too). These are the major Veg of her meals.


Now there are other veg that are great in nutrients, but if I fed her a 1/2 cup of them, they would form a FART MACHINE, creating a cloud of noxious gas that would take out half the state. These Veg are "high value treats" in our house... and are fed off my plate during dinner.... such as Brusel sprouts, broccoli and/or cauliflower, Lima or other beans and lentils (never sure if these are a Veg or a Protein or Carb), fresh tomatoes and/or lettuces and greens and cucumbers (yes, she likes salads, but I stay away from onions and radishes with her)... I will also share Fresh Fruit with her as a treat, but must be careful of APPLE SEEDS.


PROTEIN: I use Poultry in the meal bags I make her... it's her favorite, inexpensive (chicken or Turkey), and it's her favorite. however, I do make "OTHER" bags, which are the Rice and Veg, to which I can then add other protein options for balance and variety. BEEF - I do not feed this often, as I read it is harder to digest unless processed correctly, and I am never sure *I* have processed it properly for her. PORK - I feed her this when I make it for us, just cutting it up and mixing it in. LIVER - I buy beef liver as a treat (she's the only one that eats it), and will cook it and cut and mix in with her Other bag. FISH - Salmon, Tuna, and white fish... when I cook it for us, I make enough for her... and she LOVES fish. EGGS: I will make her 2 or 3 eggs (depending on their size) when I make them for us, and put them in with her Other bag, as who does not like "Good morning I love you eggs"?


Suppliments:: every meal has a teaspoon (heaping) of canned pumpkin (not pie filling, just pumpkin) in it. I read in a dog nutrition post that pumpkin is full of good things for dogs and it's not something they would normally have access to. And what I found is, canned pumpkin has a slight natural sweet to it, and 1 teaspoon is enough to mix in well and give each meal a soft happy texture and a nice smell to make it appealing. She seems to really enjoy this.


I am also considering getting some Yucca powder... I think the dose I read was 1/4 tsp in each meal or something like that. It is suppose to help with joints and movement issues in dogs that are getting older. I'd really appreciate any feedback on this if any of you use it... because I would love to know how well it works before I invest in it myself.




Poultry n Beans Poultry, Peas n Carrots Other Bag

=================== ======================== =================

1/2 cup Rice 1/2 cup Rice 1/2 cup Rice

1/4 cup Yellow Beans 1/4 cup Carrots 1/2 cup My Mixed Veg

1/4 cup Green Beans 1/4 cup Peas tsp Pumpkin

tsp Pumpkin tsp Pumpkin

1/2 cup Poultry 1/2 cup Poultry




the other thing I wish to do is start making her Dog Cookies, and Soft Treats myself. I am sure you have seen all the Recalls out there.... and I just don't trust ANY company any more to make something safe for my dog without stuffing it full of things which would Kill her or cause a food reaction.... so I'm looking for, or going to develop recipes I can use to do this.


SOFT TREATS... I was thinking of a "pancake" type mixture made with diff cooked and mashed veg that I could sweeten with a touch of honey - not so it's sweet really, just so it's not bitter or bland... or even, I saw a post about Liver and it made me think I could mix LIVER and Sardines maybe, and add that in for a savory option... so maybe (mashed or grated Carrots & Parsnips) (Unsweetened Applesauce) (mashed Yams & Pumpkins or Roasted Butternut Squash) (mashed Bananas & Peanutbutter) (the Liver & Sardines) each flavor placed in some pancake type batter, cooked off quickly into small cakes, cooled, cut into slices, and stored in zippies, can mix the flavors in each bag, then freeze for when needed. They should thaw nicely and be available for soft treats and ??? Can be used as Training Tools?


OR OR OR... a muffin type recipie that I could include plain YOGURT (for her digestive tract) in and i could drop in little piles on a sheet and bake into soft bite size pieces???


I am not sure about homemade dog cookies. But I want to find a basic cookie recipie that doesn't have a lot of sugar in it, I don't want her cookies to be a Dessert, per say.... and too much sugar is no good in my oppinion. I would prefer a base recipie and then ideas of "add ins" to make them flavored. and I want them to bake crisp.

Peanutbutter?? always popular with my girl

I'd like to try liver. that would be good in a small crisp bite (liver snaps?)

I'm not sure how i'd make a beef or pork or chicken flavor cookie, so any suggestions would be helpful.

want a basic recipe I can drop by 1/2 teaspoon (to make a small bite size treat for training)....and bake off, which will stay crisp and fresh in an air tight container... might be helpful if they freeze well also, so each week I could take out what I will need...


So, contributions and help welcomed... please, speak up.... I really would like to hear what you do or think or know...



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Hi, I feed mostly raw (with some kibble/table scraps/cooked add-ins) so I don't have a "recipe" per say, more a ratio of ingredients. I do make my own doggy soup and doggy stew though as add-ins (have I mentioned I love to cook!?). They are likely not "balanced" 100% because they are add-ons/treats.


There are some people on here (MaryJane??) who feed a homemade cooked diet similar to yours. I think most of them add a multi-vitamin into it (maybe they will chime in). Your ingredients look fine, the only thing I am wondering about is do you use a calcium supplement? When you feed meat, you need calcium (in raw this would be bone) to balance out the phosphorus. I'm sure your pups are thrilled to eat what you make them. :)

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I had not used a calcium suppliment.... but i've been trying to figure out how to add in yogurt, which would provide some calcium, just not sure HOT yogurt would appeal. (I would just add a tblsp into each meal when I heat it up, but not sure how she's like hot yogurt....


Is there a BONE MEAL or some such that can be added into combos like this?? does anyone know?


and I use to buy big beef leg bones at the first of the month to feed my crew when I had a house full... but now it's just my Olivia, and since there are no other dog around, she wont play with toys, eat rawhides or bones or anything like that. I tried for months after we moved to FL to get her to play and she just wouldn't anymore, so i'm not sure if she would even do a bone now. ?? What type of bone do you suggest?? Pork Beef?? soup bones with marrow in them maybe??



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I wouldn't use bonemeal as it has a lot of contaminants in it. One of the easier sources is ground eggshell. According to the nutritionist I go by, it is 900 mg per pound of food (which would equal about 1/2 tsp per pound of food). Again though, I know some people use vit. supplements which might already have the calcium included in it. You do need to supplement meat with calcium if you are feeding it boneless. :)


You can also feed calcium through bones, but marrow bones won't work as dogs don't actually eat the bone. An easy edible bone that a lot of people feed is raw turkey necks, but since I feed raw I feed almost anything...thighs, wings, backs, pork ribs, etc. I don't know the ratio to balance it with a cooked diet though, only raw, so it might be easier to just go with a powdered supplement.

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I was always told poultry bones are too thin brittle and sharp to feed any dog, and they cause bad medical issues.??? is this a myth?


and egg shells... do I just keep them and grind them up fine? you said 1/2 teaspoon per pound?

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I was always told poultry bones are too thin brittle and sharp to feed any dog, and they cause bad medical issues.??? is this a myth?


That's after they've been cooked. I was confused too when I saw people talking about turkey necks and chicken feet! Raw is fine, but cooked poultry bones can cause problems. One of the many things I've learned on this forum :nod

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Well, it is partly an opinion thing. There are still many people who don't believe in feeding any bones at all, while others believe they are a natural food. Raw MEATY bones (meaning raw and surrounded by meat, not just plain bone) are one of the main components of a raw diet, so a lot of people safely feed them. Heat alters the collagen in bones, so they become more brittle when cooked. Many people here feed commercial but feed turkey necks as teeth cleaners. No more dangerous imo than feeding things like dental chews, bully sticks, dog chews, etc. but it's really up to your comfort level.

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I have three greyhounds and all are fed cooked home-made food. Lucy has seizures so preservatives are important to stay away from. Larry has some kidney issues and as a result, gets less protein. Adam is normal (so far).


Breakfast - about 1 to 1/2 cup cooked 5 minute oatmeal mixed with some grits and about 1/4 to 1/2 cup rice. Honey, and about 1/4 cup meat for Larry and 1/2 cup for Lucy and Adam. Almond milk gets added.


snack - Toast with some butter and a few potato chips


Dinner - 2 to 2 1/2 cup rice, 1/4 meat for Larry, 1/2 cup meat for Lucy and Adam, and between 1/4 to 1/2 cup veggies.


evening snack - 2 tablespoons yogurt and 2 tablespoons applesauce.


They each get 1 fish oil a day along with a mutivitamin. They also get calcium (500 mg oyster shell), Larry and Adam get 4 a day and Lucy gets 3 a day.


For treats - 1/4 to 1/2 cup shredded cheese, 1 egg, 1/2 cup water, 1 tablespoon flax seeds, 1 cup brown rice flour, 1 cup wheat flour - mix together and should not be sticky, if it is, add more flour. roll out and cut out shapes. Cook at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes. You can substitute the shredded cheese for applesauce or buy some jars of baby food and substitute one of those. I sometimes use pumpkin and add a touch of cinnamon (kitchen smells heavenly when you bake those.)

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I do not do a homemade diet but have been making some homemade dog treats. I have lots of recipes. PM me with your name and address and I will copy some for you and send.


In regards to joints I have had success with green lipped mussel powder. I do three scoops per day per dog and I have an 11 y.o, 12 y.o. and 7 y.o.



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this is an old recipe shared by a saluki person i know:


Here is the basic Saluki diet recommended by my holistic vet - to be fed twice daily - this is for about a 50 lb dog - feed more or less according to the dog's activity level and needs - take a week to 10 days to switch over to this diet from commercial food to avoid upset tummies.


at each meal feed;


1 cup meat (lean lamb (broiling removes most of the fat); beef, chicken, turkey (alternate meat sources every few days so dog received optimum nutrition)


3/4 cup organic cooked brown rice or cooked whole oatmeal or 1 sweet potato


1/4 cup steamed, finely ground vegetables, i.e. carrots, broccoli green beans, cabbage (organic preferred)


2/3 tsp Animal Essentials vitamin powder


2/3 tsp Solgar Bone Meal (for humans)


1 tabelspoon extra virgin olive oil


Then - once or twice a week add a hardboiled egg and a couple of tablespoons of organic cottage cheese


you can also add grated cheese, a few sardines, some salmon, etc. as additional nutrition

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I just mailed you a homemade recipe for kibble and a bunch of dog treat recipes. They will be coming in two separate envelopes as I did not have a big envelope. Hope your pup enjoys.


TY TY TY... I appreciate it a lot. and I'm sure she will... This weekend is a cook for Livey weekend. I'll be making her grub for 15 days, so, she is always excited when I cook just for her. she watches every move I make so carefully, to make sure I get just enuff of everything in her bags. LOL.... You'd think I was mining for gold or something.

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