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Exercising Your Hound

Guest Firedancer

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My husband is retired so he has daytime walk duty. He walks them twice a day for a total of about a mile each time. In the summer (we live in the Washington DC area so it is hot and humid) he walks them once at about 7am and then we walk them in the evening after dinner. They love their walks, no matter what time of day it is!



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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We walk our dogs for about half a mile, twice a day, rain or shine or super-super shine. We can't avoid temperatures above 70 degrees - heck, in the summer, even our home AC is set at 78 degrees! So even if we kept them exercising inside, they'd apparently be in danger! We will try to walk longer in the morning and at sunset/after dark in the summertime, but if it's around 80 degrees then they might get a walk around 6 instead of around 9 when the sun sets. If they miss more than one walk a week, they are troublemakers at home.


I guess my suggestion would be to consider breaking it into two half-mile walks rather than one long walk, if your dog is getting too tired by the end of the walk. Also, considering bringing water and letting them have some if they start to look like they need it. But honestly, my dogs are sometimes a bit pant-y and hang-heades by the end of walks at the beginning of the summer. They get used to it.

Edited by muddgirl


Batman (racing name CTW Battle Plan) adopted May 2011, passed away July 2017

Buffy (racing name CTW Bathsheba) adopted Oct 2012, passed away March 2022

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I am at the extreme end of things. Hester gets up to 4 hours of walking per day divided into 3 walks. It took a few months to build his endurance up but now he doesn't fade until we hit the two hour mark. I should add that where we live it is never too hot or too cold to walk a Greyhound. If it is a rare hot day (75F or above), and Hester gets hot, he will find some damp, shaded grass and drop into his sphynx position until he cools off. I just sit down and wait until he is ready to resume - usually about 10 minutes. It must be difficult to manage Greyhound exercise in climate extremes.

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Five minutes before work???


Wow. I walk George longer than that before I go to the bathroom in the morning!


He is going to be 11 in Sept. He has a 45 minute walk every day before work. Yes. Rain, snow, sleet, ice, heat. 45 minutes.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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