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Too Hot To Eat?

Guest BrindleBabes

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Guest BrindleBabes

Both my greys have been off their food since the weather changed from cool (50s and 60s) to hot (70s and 80s) - in the space of a few days. (We live in southcentral PA.) Naturally, they don't want to walk far, either. We're down to less than half of what they would normally eat. They're still drinking water.


I don't recall this happening in previous years, but they're coming up on ages 9 and 10.


Is anyone else having (or has had) a similar problem?

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We are on the third day of no interest in food. I refuse to turn the AC on yet! I hosed them down yesterday and they decided to do zoomies instead of eating. :ghplaybow I'm not worrying about it. They will eat when they get hungry




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We also jumped up in temp. here (mid 90's this afternoon...YIKES!), and Luna has gone on a bit of a hunger strike, but I'm not too worried either. She'll get used to it again and pick up where she left off.


I wanted to refuse to turn the AC on, especially because the low last Wednesday was 27 degrees and I had the heat on (I feel like it breaks an unwritten rule to have the heat and AC on in one week), but the house settled in at 84 last night, and I realized I had to do it if I ever wanted to get some sleep.

Laura, mom to Luna (Boc's Duchess) and Nova (Atascocita Venus).
Forever in my heart, Phantom (Tequila Nights) and Zippy (Iruska Monte).

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Des is hating the heat, but so far hasn't refused to eat. :chow


Walks have to be cut short in the warmest part of the day. He plods along a leash-length behind, panting &

acting like it's sheer torture. Ceiling fans are on full blast, so I've managed no a/c.....but it won't be long.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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They are both eating now! I hosed them off when I got home from work and let them sit for an hour to cool down. Now they are outside eating. Yippee! Now for these temps to drop before I waffle and turn the AC on




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Neither of mine eat when it gets hot and they're both three. I want them to eat something cause they both are sick on empty stomachs so I reduce the amount of kibble I give, mix in yoghurt and then add quite a bit of cool water. I figure then they'll get some nutrients and not dehydrate.

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Guest grey_dreams

Huh, I also did not want to turn the AC on yet, but finally gave in this afternoon when the house temperature was climbing and poor Zhivaya was panting for his life. As soon as the humidity drained out of the air and the temp hit 70 again, he was happy as a clam :heart Tomorrow will be much cooler and we can open the windows again :)

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Guest BrindleBabes

Yep - temps are back down to the 50s and they're eating again. I don't remember that happening before, but this was a pretty dramatic change in temperature.


Going on seven years and I'm still trying to figure them out! :D

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