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Diarrhea - When To Go To Vet

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yup, it's spring time and something is going around. the birds are back in town, the squirrels are going at it- digging and running around like crazy. just walking on their feces and licking paws can do it. sniffing to potty- that doesn't help, stepping in another dogs tracks- anything and everything is picked up. don't beat yourself up, bella didn't get into anything- it's just in the environment. annie is now on flagyl, felix- waiting another day then maybe.yup, gurgeling stomachs here as well. my rice cooker is working overtime and i've gone thru a 10# bag of cheapie short grain white rice. i finally introduced a cup of kibble today.


oh, the school nurse stopped by today, her dog- emma the delemma- sniffed something(riverside park)- inhaled it(small terrier close to the ground)- SAME THING! so, it's just going around.

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they seemed ok when i picked them up from boarding last friday, then monday poops went back to thick soup. i started them on rice & kibble when they returned- just incase(since all 13 dogs were a mess but much much better- firm poops). when stools changed on monday eliminated all kibble and started flagyl on wed. things are starting to settle down now- it's friday. but i'll decide if it's one or two weeks of flagyl next wed. it can take a while to pass thru the system.

my practice- when in doubt- white rice & probiotics, digestive enzymes

my experience- spring time often brings nasty nasty bugs- to my dogs anyway.

no cookies, no kongs, just boiled beef, white rice and now a tad of kibble. they will eventually gain the weight back-

is bella on flagyl?

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Guest Gemma

Peyton had something like this last summer. It took just over a week to get him back to normal because he is an older boy so things sometimes hit him hard. Our younger foster at the time recovered from the same thing in 4 days. We did the chicken/rice diet, a fecal (nothing came up), and put them both on Fortiflora. We were going to worm him if it went on much longer but he started showing improvement at that point.

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