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Red Paw

Guest WhiteWave

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Guest WhiteWave

I have had some issues keeping weight on Joey. He is growing like a weed, already as tall as Ronon and is actually longer at 8 months old. He is 2" taller than Riddick was when he died at 10 months.


So some days he looks anorexic. Ribs sticking out, backbone sticking out, people giving me dirty looks!

Tried several different foods and had heard good things about Redpaw and they have a performance food that is fish based instead of chicken like most of them are.


I switched Jack and Joey to it, cold turkey. They love the food and had ZERO digestive upsets. Small firm poop from first day even when running hard. Joeys coat is also getting soft and glossy and his body odor isn't as bad which drove me nuts. Ronon can go 6 months w/o a bath and I can stick my nose in his hair and he smells good. Joey would come in from playing and literally smelled like a little brassy sweaty human boy.


Joey is putting on weight. I am adding raw food too, but I was doing that with the other food I was feeding. He is getting 1-2 chicken quarters in the AM with some offal and then 3 cups of Redpaw and 1 cup of fatty raw hamburger at night. If he doesn't get done growing soon, he is going to eat me out of house and home.


So we are giving this food 4 paws up! They do offer other formulas if your dog doesn't need all the protein/fat and they have a new line which has more socially accepted ingredients for dog food nazis.




I am using the PowerEdge 32. It does not smell fishy even though it is fish based. You can order their food on K9cuisine.com with free shipping.

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Wow! I think remember you mentioned he was neutered very young, before you got him. Or am I making that up? But if so that might explain the crazy growth. Early spay/neuter delays the closure of growth plates and tends to result in taller, lankier dogs. I sure don't envy the amount of food you're going through. Kili eats 2 cups per day at 7 months old.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest WhiteWave

Yes, Joey was neutered at 8 weeks by the rescue he was turned into. But he is way super duper active. I mean this dog goes all day long nonstop running, digging, chasing, chewing, wrestling, barking, tearing stuff up. He has endless energy. He rarely walks, he is always bouncing or running. Last night we had a torrential down pour for hours. My yard was completely flooded in ankle deep water. Joey went out and hopped and splashed for an hour by himself b/c the other dogs thought he was nuts.


But even Ronon who is almost 8 yrs old eats 3-4 cups of kibble a day if that is all he is getting. Casper does as well. Even little 20lb Jack eats almost 2 cups a day as he is as active as Joey is. Pongo is the only one I don't mind feeding, he eats 1/4 cup 2x a day! But he makes up for it with his $65 a bottle meds he is on!


All my dogs are very active and get a ton of exercise. So they eat a lot!

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I don't think I have seen Red Paw here, but the name sounds familiar....pre-greyhound I was into sleddogs, and I think I remember a lot of mushers feeding this food. Is it more of a performance/working dog kibble? Either way, that is a LOT of dogs you are feeding...wow, and I always complain about feeding my two!

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Guest WhiteWave

Yes, Redpaw was formulated for sled dogs. Dogs eating their food have won the Iditarod race in the past. They do have foods for lazy pet dogs too! The formula I'm using is most popular with the mushers.

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Guest rennina

Love Joey! He has the most beautiful greyhound face I've ever seen. I'm sure the fatty raw hamburger will help a lot. Chicken is considered lower in energy, so you may want to increase the amount of red meat. Orijen and Blue Wilderness are also high in protein and fat (more than 35% crude protein), plus they are grain-free. My girl can eat 5 cups at the same age, and she's not even a highly active puppy...

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My former dog, a mutt, used to eat 5 cups of a high performance kibble when he was a youngster. As he aged that went down to a much more manageable 2 cups!


He was at the dog park on average 3 hours a day, so...he got a LOT of exercise! And he was so emaciated when I got him, same thing--dirty looks, etc. Every vet check up the note was "needs to gain weight." He just couldn't for the first year. After that he was fine!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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My "puppy" is 18 months old now, and he still hasn't filled out. We call him "the dinosaur" because you can still see all the vertebrae in his spine. He eats a TON too. Six cups a day with various treats and mix-ins. I think some of them just take a longer time to fill out. He was neutered as soon as he turned a year... Glad you found a food that works!

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Guest WhiteWave

Joey is still eaing like a horse! I started volunteering for a local new dog rescue and they do pack walks and things and when we go, the people who have already met Joey start explaining to the others that I'm not starving him before they can even say something! :) He is looking better, but if you pet him, all you feel is bone. He is hard muscled though, but back bone, hips and ribs are just bone. My vet thinks he is marvelous though as he loves a lean dog. He will go on a tirade if you take a fat dog to him! Love my vet. He bitched about Casper and after a year of struggling, I took 10lbs off him and then his weight wouldn't budge. Finally got 3 more lbs of him and after losing the weight, he is eating more, but not gaining it back. Like it kick started his metabolism or something, but I would like to take a few more pounds just b/c of his hips being so bad. Pongo is also another one I struggle to keep weight off of. Just started him on Annamaet Lean as he is 16 yrs old and is not going to exercise! http://www.annamaet.com/html/annamaet_grain_free_lean_dog_f.html


So I have dogs I fight to keep weight off of, and dogs I fight to keep weight on. At least I have something to work towards. Never a dull moment with these dogs! I need to loose some weight too, so might need to start focusing on me for a change!

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