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Hind End Weakness In 2 Year Old

Guest DeniseL

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Guest DeniseL

I had all the hounds at the park yesterday. Miami was feeling good and was running/jumping/playing much more than usual. He had a blast, but by the end you could tell he was tired. This morning he was obviously very sore and stiff. He could barely get himself up the steps, my DH had to help him upstairs. His whole hind end seems weak. I gave him a rimydyl, figuring its just day after stiffness from being much more active than usual (he is a bit of a couch potato type, sometimes doesn't even run when we go, just preferring to trot around and sniff).


But is that normal for a not-yet-three year old hound?


Both of my others are just fine today, and they played just as much if not more. He didn't get hurt at all that I could tell.


He did go in for a complete physical recently, which included a once over by the orthopedic specialist. Nothing was found except for a few sore toes, which was attributed to an old injury that may not have healed perfectly. But this is not his toes, more like his whole hind end.


I'm imagining he will get the strength back and the stiffness will go away in a few days, but is this something I should be worried about moving forward? Just doesn't seem right for such a young pup to be hurting so bad after a play session.

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Guest DeniseL

Ack! Sorry to hear this! Miami had a pretty good walk Sunday, and I think you mentioned he's a corn-dog, too. I really hope the handsome devil just over did it.


We had a great time Sunday and will be back next week! What a great group of hounds (and people :D ) I LOVE Joe, talk about handsome :beatheart​ and Brees, too! It was so good for Izzy to get out around other hounds. Yes, he has had corns in the past, but none right now. I guess the walk on Sunday added to his stiffness, too. But I still don't think two days of activity would result in this.

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We had a great time Sunday and will be back next week! What a great group of hounds (and people :D ) I LOVE Joe, talk about handsome :beatheart​ and Brees, too! It was so good for Izzy to get out around other hounds. Yes, he has had corns in the past, but none right now. I guess the walk on Sunday added to his stiffness, too. But I still don't think two days of activity would result in this.

Just don't freak out. Both of my dogs seem to have old injuries that bother them at times. (Brees's was confirmed but the track vet, and Joe's problem is a pretty much a guess.) Someone who actually knows something will chime in soon!

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Guest DeniseL

Just don't freak out. Both of my dogs seem to have old injuries that bother them at times. (Brees's was confirmed but the track vet, and Joe's problem is a pretty much a guess.) Someone who actually knows something will chime in soon!


Who, me? Freak out? :hehe Please, I am neurotic when it comes to my Miami. He actually seemed a little better just now when he walked up the steps (by himself). My mind just always goes to the worst possible scenario in every situation....

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I wouldn't really expect that extent of stiffness and discomfort after activity in a young dog, but it depends on how much exercise he usually gets, and just how much more active than usual he was. Greyhounds can get a condition called exertional rhabdomyolysis, which is injury to muscle tissues due to over-exertion. Here's a previous thread with more detail.

Exertional rhabdomyolysis is a relatively uncommon condition, but something to keep in mind. Watch his urine color, and if he's not significantly improved by tomorrow, call your vet. If he continues to have trouble handling extra activity, I'd consider doing some bloodwork, including tick-borne disease testing.


Btw, white gums means anemia, poor circulation, or shock. Dehydration usually causes dark pink gums that are dry and tacky to the touch.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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I wouldn't really expect that extent of stiffness and discomfort after activity in a young dog, but it depends on how much exercise he usually gets, and just how much more active than usual he was. Greyhounds can get a condition called exertional rhabdomyolysis, which is injury to muscle tissues due to over-exertion. Here's a previous thread with more detail.


Exertional rhabdomyolysis is a relatively uncommon condition, but something to keep in mind. Watch his urine color, and if he's not significantly improved by tomorrow, call your vet. If he continues to have trouble handling extra activity, I'd consider doing some bloodwork, including tick-borne disease testing.


Btw, white gums means anemia, poor circulation, or shock. Dehydration usually causes dark pink gums that are dry and tacky to the touch.

Good to know. Thank you for the correction.

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Guest DeniseL

I wouldn't really expect that extent of stiffness and discomfort after activity in a young dog, but it depends on how much exercise he usually gets, and just how much more active than usual he was. Greyhounds can get a condition called exertional rhabdomyolysis, which is injury to muscle tissues due to over-exertion. Here's a previous thread with more detail.


Exertional rhabdomyolysis is a relatively uncommon condition, but something to keep in mind. Watch his urine color, and if he's not significantly improved by tomorrow, call your vet. If he continues to have trouble handling extra activity, I'd consider doing some bloodwork, including tick-borne disease testing.


Btw, white gums means anemia, poor circulation, or shock. Dehydration usually causes dark pink gums that are dry and tacky to the touch.


Thank you for this. That's scary. It does sound a little like what Miami is experiencing. However, today he does seem better and climbed the stairs easier. His urine has been normal. I'm going to make sure he doesn't overdo it like he did this weekend.


During Miami's physical, he had complete blood work that came back normal, and we also sent a complete tick panel, PCR and titer (?), to NCSU. Everything came back negative.

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You know, it never fails in my house - if we take Ryder out for a run, guaranteed he'll come back in a couple hours a little stiff. It's his "weekend warrior" type deal - using a different set of muscles for play time that he's not used to.


To be honest, I haven't really found a "cure" for it, although we've been giving him Green Lipped Mussel as an additive for a year now and I think that's the only thing that shortens his downtime.

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Guest DeniseL

Great that his recent bloodwork was all normal and that he's a little better today. Sounds like he just overdid it, but definitely continue to keep a close eye on him.


He still had some trouble with the steps, but otherwise is bright, active, and seems like he "feels good." Watching him on the steps, it looks like he is favoring the leg with the sore toes, so maybe it just aggrevated it. His urine was normal.


Are there any other signs I should be on the lookout for concerning ER? It sounds like a serious condition.


You know, it never fails in my house - if we take Ryder out for a run, guaranteed he'll come back in a couple hours a little stiff. It's his "weekend warrior" type deal - using a different set of muscles for play time that he's not used to.


Miami was jumping with a new toy that I was using. I have seen him jump like that since we adopted him, there has just never been a situation, so it is def a set of muscles that don't regularly get used.

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Guest DeniseL

You know I was worrying about him all day at work!

He is ok. Seems fine in all ways but his back. Walks fine, still obviously stiff and troubled going up steps. I hope he didnt really hurt himself. But today is better than yesterday, so I'm hoping for improvement tomorrow....hopefully he will be up for the walk on sunday, but if he is not 100% I'm going to sit him out and let him rest, just bring the girls. He has gone up and downstairs multiple times today by choice, and jumped up on the bed, which is more that yesterday...

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Guest DeniseL

Just watched him come up the steps to bed...much better than this morning. :)


These dogs are going to end up putting me in the hospital lol might get an ulcer...

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