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New Foster Dog = No Sleep For Us!

Guest Norzy

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Hi everyone!


I'm currently fostering a grey that is transitioning from just arriving from the track to going into the local prison training program so we'll have her about a week. Even though she hasn't really been taught manners yet, she's been doing well. The only thing so far that's been difficult for us is that she whines and barks all night in her crate! This means we haven't gotten good sleep for the 2 nights we've had her and I don't think we'll be able to function and go to work if this keeps going on! We keep her in our bedroom so she's not alone. I crate her with soft bedding, a big pillow and squeaky toys. I take her out potty right before bed and early in the morning (5am). She cried all night the first night. Last night she went right to sleep, but woke up at 12 am and cried and cried until 2 pm, and then again at 5 am. I tried giving her a table of Benadryl at 12am but I don't think it did anything. Did I give the right dose for a 50-60 lb female? Are there other ideas as to how she (and we!) can sleep through the night? She only cries inside her crate - should I let her sleep outside of the crate on the floor on a dog bed? Ideas please!!! I need my beauty sleep!



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When I brought my girl home from the kennel, I crated her for the first few nights. Right beside my bed. When she cried, I just stuck my fingers inside, she'd check them out, be reassured and go back to sleep. After the first few nights, I had her sleeping on the bed with me and all was quiet.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Thanks for fostering! When we fostered we went through the same thing, but it took a while (a month) before the fosters got adjusted. Sorry to tell you that! But they DID adjust. We had the same setup, a crate in our room. The one foster we adopted STILL gets me up at 5 AM every morning, a year and a half later. During the week that is not bad, as I need to get up for work anyway, but on the weekends? I let him out for a pee, he goes back to bed and so do I.


:goodluck that your foster adjusts soon!!


Tin and Michael and Lucas, Picasso, Hero, Oasis, Galina, Neizan, Enzo, Salvo and Noor the Galgos.
Remembering Bridge Angel Greyhounds: Tosca, Jamey, Master, Diego, and Ambi; plus Angel Galgos Jules, Marco and Baltasar.

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I let my fosters sleep on a dog bed loose in my room. They settle down pretty quickly for me. The current foster was sleeping through the night by his second night. I also feed dinner late. As in, feed dinner, walk the dogs, then go to bed. It changes their schedules really fast and the fosters let me sleep much later. I am not a morning person, so this works much better for me.

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Sounds like you're doing exactly what you should be doing. Crying and whining for the first few nights is normal. I would look to alternatives if she's really freaking out, biting the bars of the crate, immediately having accidents after entering the crate, etc. Whatever you do, try to resist the urge to give in and let her out of the crate when she cries. And maybe think about investing in a good pair of ear plugs.

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