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Swollen Anal Area

Guest peacehound

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Guest peacehound

Peace's area above the anus is swollen. She shows no signs of discomfort, no licking, no odor, scooting or problems going to the bathroom. I just noticed this when she was roaching on the couch. She has a vet appointment this afternoon, does anyone have any ideas what it could be?

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Guest peacehound

back from vet, it is some kind of cyst. They are calling to let us know what can be done. Peace will be 11 soon, not so sure I want to go through surgery again, she had one cyst removed from the area three years ago and had a terrible time recovering.

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I hear that's a tough recovery. I hope she doesn't have to have this one removed. Sending good thoughts.

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest peacehound

The vet did aspirate the cyst, she said the slide showed red and white blood cells and they couldn't rule out if it was cancerous or not. I was told to watch the area, if it gets bigger or if Peace seems bothered or has trouble using the bathroom they will discuss the options. I was offered to have it surgically removed but chose not to do that. Peace will be 11 in a couple weeks and when she got the other perianal tumor(at 8 years of age, near same area) removed recovery was just awful, she got an infection and abscess and reaction to the pain meds. I really don't want to put her through surgery again so I do not know what to do. I guess we just hope and pray it doesn't get bigger or begin to bother her.

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Guest peacehound

we are located about two hours from OSU, Peace unfortunately has gone there several times since we adopted and if she does have the surgery, that's where it will be..feel very lucky to have them close enough to use!

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Sending healing thoughts for your girl, we are dealing w/an anal gland abcess right now that won't completely heal, it's a tough area to have a problem with, hoping Peace is feeling better soon.

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