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Guest BooneTia

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Guest BooneTia

Boone, 5 years old, has been doing the GSOD off and on for the last few days and holding up his right rear leg. Long story short, I toook him to the vet on Tuesday. After a physical exam and no screems but a lot of panting and "shivering" an xray was advised. Under heavy sedation GSOD when leg was manipulated for the xray. Vet said probably a pull/ strain of the hip and very painful! He is now on Rymadil and Tramadol. vet said LOTS of rest and NO JUMPING!! I help him up to potty and he's not happy about that, whimpering and that shivering in pain. He will pee but he's not pooped since Tuesday morning. It is now Wednesday night. He has been eating and drinking. Could it be that it is just too painful to get into position so to speak? Could it be the meds? How long can he go without going? BTW the vet also noticed some minor hip dysplasia. We're treating the pull/strain and letting it heal before worrying about any thing else. Any ideas out there?

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Guest grey_dreams

It would be good to send the x-rays to the Ohio State University Greyhound Health & Wellness Program (https://greyhound.osu.edu/). They are the leading specialists for greyhounds and have the best expertise to examine the x-rays. If you don't have the x-rays, ask your vet to give them to you.

Then you submit the digital x-rays and fill out the consult form here https://greyhound.osu.edu/consultationservice/

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Every do often Bu over does it and hurts that same hip (back right). We are pretty sure it's just aggravating an old track injury. I give it a few days and hes ok. It's never bad enough hes screaming though.

As for the pooping, it can be both the pain our the meds causing him not to go. As long as hes not attempting to go and not able to, I wouldn't worry to much yet.

I hope he feels better soon.

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It would be good to send the x-rays to the Ohio State University Greyhound Health & Wellness Program (https://greyhound.osu.edu/). They are the leading specialists for greyhounds and have the best expertise to examine the x-rays. If you don't have the x-rays, ask your vet to give them to you.

Then you submit the digital x-rays and fill out the consult form here https://greyhound.osu.edu/consultationservice/

Good advice.

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How would the dog scream if he was sedated for the x-ray?


I second the OSU idea. Greyhounds rarely have hip displaysia, for one thing, and that kind of pain for days is not likely to be a "hip strain." Sounds like your vet was just guessing.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest BooneTia

Boone is feeling a little better this morning!!! He ate and pooped fine today! Last night he even got up from his bed without help, I guess the meds are starting to kick in. He wasn't completely sedated for the xray,but i will check out the OSU idea. The more info the better!!!! Yes , the vet was going on her best opinions, she said the connective tissue could be streched, kind of like a sprained ankle in a person. I appreciate all the input and will keep you updated. As for now, I'm very thankful he is at least a little more like the Boone I know and love!!!

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