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Mucus In Poop

Guest FinnsMom

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Guest FinnsMom

Sorry to start another new topic so soon after the other one but ...


Finn had a round of Droncit on the 14th as he pooped a large tapeworm the day prior. Along with the worm was a significant amount of mucus. Not sure if they are related or not but yesterday when he had a poo there was some mucus and now when I just took him out he pooed again quite a bit of mucus. Is this a sign that there are more worms/parasites to deal with. And yes, the poos with the mucus are more stinky than his "normal" ones. Also, there is no straining or blood or signs of discomfort.


I do have a vial from the vet to gather three different samples that will go to the lab to check for various things but she said to wait a week or so after the Droncit to gather the samples, so I have a couple days to go yet.

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Guest FinnsMom

So should I do a couple days of a bland boiled ground beef and rice diet and see if that settles things down?

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Bland diet will help. I have just finished having Rocket on 3 days of a bland diet using Evanger's Organic Canned Chicken. I did cook some sticky rice and added to it.


His stomach recovered much faster than when I cook the bland diet myself. Don't know if it was a fluke or not, but the food was so finely ground that I think it was easier to digest than boiled beef or chicken breast that we've cooked in the past. I'm keeping a couple cans on hand now just for tummy issues. It seemed to be much better quality and was much cheaper than using the prescription canned food that we had to use the last time.


If it persists, you might want to consider a round of Flagyl to help the stomach heal also.


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I was also told by a vet that mucus means colitis which means they need more fiber while the big "d" means bland diet. For prescription foods, I/D for the big D and W/D for colitis if you want to go that route. Personally, I prefer to cook. I hope Finn feels better soon!

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Guest FinnsMom

Thanks. I'll just cook him some bland food for the next few days. I also think he might be lactose intolerant as I stopped giving him yogurt the last few days but then gave him a chunk of cheese this morning, and about 20 minutes later I heard some serious rumbles in his tummy followed by some rank farts. LOL As we've only had him two months, we are still working out what sorts of things his tummy can handle.

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