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My Wife Made Me Do It.........

Guest wylie_coyote

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Guest wylie_coyote

Frankie finally got fed up with me high jacking her account on here. I would read topics etc and they would then show up as read and she would miss out. So after getting the human version of stink eye, I finally made my own account.


My name is Greg and my wife is Frankie Wylie on here and we have the pups Charlie, Magic and Sherry.

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Welcome Greg! Nice that you have your own account now! I made my husband get his own account too.

Edited by JillysFullHouse

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Hi Greg...welcome

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest FrankieWylie

Welcome Greg! Clearly you have an amazing wife or getting you involved in GT.


Maybe you should get her another dog or something. You know, as a thank you.

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Welcome Greg! Clearly you have an amazing wife or getting you involved in GT.


Maybe you should get her another dog or something. You know, as a thank you.




We told you W&W can be addicting. :colgate

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest FrankieWylie

GREGORY WYLIE! I could kick your butt for posting that. You did NOT say that.....such a punk. Too bad though, the boy I want is probably a few years away from making it to us, so wait is what you'll have to do!

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GREGORY WYLIE! I could kick your butt for posting that. You did NOT say that.....such a punk. Too bad though, the boy I want is probably a few years away from making it to us, so wait is what you'll have to do!


This is the reason my DH has his own account. I don't ever want to be held responsible for what comes out of his mouth! lol

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest wylie_coyote

GREGORY WYLIE! I could kick your butt for posting that. You did NOT say that.....such a punk. Too bad though, the boy I want is probably a few years away from making it to us, so wait is what you'll have to do!


This is the reason my DH has his own account. I don't ever want to be held responsible for what comes out of his mouth! lol


I do believe those were Frankie's exact words too!


And when it comes to the dogs she is going to do what she wants anyway! Well that applies to about anything. But I love her anyway.

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Guest FrankieWylie



from what I can recall, you are near your wife and hounds as much as possible.....but you seem to conveniently avoid your children!?




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