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Omg Diarrhea Galore

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My boys, Henry and Truman, occasionally have bouts of digestive issues. But for the last few days, Truman has had severe diarrhea. When I came home from lunch yesterday, he had pooped all over the house. I mean, ALL OVER- I had to spend the better part of the evening steam-cleaning the carpets. I have him on a bland diet, and I'm giving him Endurosyn once a day. His appetite and energy level is still good, but I'm worried about what is actually causing the diarrhea. He's a 10-month-old AKC puppy, so he shouldn't have digestive intolerance. I'm feeding Diamond Naturals Lamb and Rice (Large Breed Formula). I also give them about a tablespoon of yogurt each day and homemade pumpkin oatmeal doggie cookies. Both of my boys are on Heartguard and Frontline, so he probably doesn't have any of the common intestinal parasites. What could this be?

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I have not had a reason to use it yet, but Claudia with Greyhound Gang in Utah recommended Rx Clay. Their website is: www.rxvitamins.com I know when the big D hits around here the vet always wants to put them on prescriptions and I am trying to get away from that.

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Guest SusanP

Is the Diamond kibble you're feeding part the recall that was (is?) going on? (Though I had the impression this recall wasn't usually making dogs ill)


Otherwise, I'll say that my pack of 4 recently all came down with the big D, one after the other. After a course of metronidazole, 1 (the Lab) is normal, and the other 3 (Greyhounds) are still a bit "iffy". I'm wondering what kind of things cause contagious D, too.

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You might need to get into the vet and get some flagyl - that seems to take care of any bacterial overgrowth.


A few times my hounds have gotten the big D when we've been in a heat spell but, it's nothing I can put my finger on for certain.

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Jack, my puppy came down with bad diarrhea about 2 weeks ago, he got over it quickly with a bland diet, diarrhea for about two days. Then my ten year old grey/whippet mix, "Keeva" came down with it, she is still off, we are headed to the vet this morning. Jack did not need a vet visit but Keeva seems to be having a harder time getting over it, good then not so good then this morning back to watery diarrhea. I think there is something going around. Hope Truman feels better soon.

Linda, Keeva and Jack

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