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Rocky Has Hookworms And Giardia! Words Of Wisdom?

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Hi All,


I've had Rocky for just shy of 3 months now, and long story short, he's had intermittent issues with pudding poop, but never any urgency or frequency issues. Since the issue was intermittent and he's new, and he recently changed foods, AND he had a "clean" fecal done when we got him, I was thinking maybe the food wasn't agreeing with him, or maybe he needed some yogurt of psyllium or something to help firm things up. Well, his poo this week was even a little softer than usual and was this way a few times in a row so I got a sample and trucked it into the vet just to be on the safe side. As you saw from the thread title, he's positive for both giardia and hooks.


So now $300 later I've got metronidizole and Panacur to treat both of my dogs, doggie butt-wipes, probiotics, and a dosage schedule that had to be put into my calendar to remember. In terms of yard decontamination, I was told there are two methods--Borax/Salt, or "Torching"--neither of which is grass-friendly. I was also told to "decontaminate" the dog toys, which I figure is just tossing them in the wash.


So, anyone that has been through this, any words of wisdom? Even when I pick up dog poo, it's been so soft that it's impossible to get it out of the grass. I also have two younger kids (12 and 8) that have been playing in the yard, especially with the warm weather the last week. Oh, there's two cats in the house too. I am now imagining little gross toothy parasites gnawing through the intestines of everyone in the family. I have no idea what to do now with my probably thoroughly contaminated back yard.




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Rocket has had the same symptoms for a couple of weeks, but all tests were negative for hooks and giardia. We initially treated with multiple rounds of Metronidazole and did a Panacur treatment last weekend after the runs persisted. After the Panacur treatment he is much better, so we probably had some worms that just couldn't be detected in a sample. We are finishing with one more course of Metronidazole to help heal his tummy. This morning we had our first completely solid poop in weeks. :banana :banana :banana


It is not possible to 100% decontaminate the lawn without killing it off. I personally wouldn't go that length unless there is a persistent issue with multiple reoccurrences. Hosing down the remnants of runny poop until it disappears completely will go a long way to minimize contact with it in the yard. While this is occuring, I would use some temporary fencing and designate a poop area for turnout to make the job easier. They don't need full run of the yard just to poop.


This article talks about Giardia and the things you can do to minimize the spread. Since we weren't sure what we were dealing with, we took Giardia precautions including handwashing after any contact with Rocket including petting. We ran his bowls in the dishwasher every night on the the Sanitize Cycle, and used a sanitizing bleach spray on the counter after his bowls were on them to prepare his food.


Giardia cases seem to be on the rise throughout the midwest this year. Not sure why, but when we started checking, we found that many vets have seen an increase in Giardia as the weather warmed up. Not the end of the world, but very frustrating and takes some time and precautions to deal with and prevent the spread.


Hope that Rocky is feeling better soon.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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For cleanup of soft poop, you might try following Rocky with a paper plate in your hand. Sounds silly, but you can slip a plate under his butt as he squats. (This comes in handy when you need to collect a sample for the vet, too.)


And because you and Rocky might need some practice getting coordinated, I'd suggest you slip your hand into a clean poop bag, then hold the plate with that bagged hand and be ready to pounce. (He'll probably try to turn around a couple of times to see what you're doing.) Hold the plate in position; when he's finished, turn the bag inside out over the plate and its contents. (Inexpensive 6-inch plates work well for this; I keep a stack with the poop bag rolls by the front door when one of the dogs is having issues.)


Cleaning up your yard probably is hopeless--unless you intend to keep all other critters (squirrels, et al.) out of the yard too. Designate a safe poop-zone--someplace your kids won't want to play in. (My guys pee/poop on ground covered in pine straw and the occasional pine cone--easier to clean up than poop in grass.)


I've just been through much of this. My 12-year-old Sam got Panacur at the beginning of April, again three weeks later, and he'll get it again in early July. He's on a permanent regimen of metronidazole due to chronic bacteria overgrowth in his intestines. We've treated it with metronidazole: he'll be well about 4 days after the pills stop, then he'll be sick again. We're trying him on a permanent (maintenance) dose of half a pill every other day, and that seems to be working.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Hang in there- you may need to treat Rocky periodically until winter. The freezing temps will kill off the hooks within the soil. So after the vet prescribed deworming protocol repeating it may be needed.

Strongid works very well- Once weekly for 6 weeks (for hooks)-- if you can get hold of Interceptor giving that monthly helps too (again with the hooks).

Regarding the giardia both Panacur and the metronidazole works well-- you're giving it a double whammy. Shoulld find resolution with that combo. Giardia needs water to thrive.

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Thanks everyone, I appreciate the advice. I will give the paper-plate tactic a go, but I don't have high hopes. The article on giardia was very interesting, too.


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When Idol had hooks, we had to treat all of them, as a precaution. We were told to spray the area where she pooped with a combo of bleach and water. They were all tested twice to make sure of a negative reading. Good luck with your boy.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
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