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Prairie Dog Food Has Changed

Guest CakeLady

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Guest CakeLady

We have been feeding our greys the Prairie (by Nature's Variety) Beef & Barley formula for years now, and they have done SO well on it, and all of a sudden last Friday after I dispensed their food from a new bag they wouldn't eat. This is 4 greyhounds plus a chihuahua and an italian greyhound, all scoffing at their food. Not a good sign. Especially our most recent girl, Lucy, who has never even chewed her food she scarfs it so fast.


I had noticed the kibble seemed smaller and the smell was different coming from the bin, but didn't think much of it until they would hardly eat it. For the past 3 days at mealtime not one of them has finished their food. Most of them walk away and then out of desperation go back and nibble a bit just so they don't starve. I tried to attribute it to the overly hot temperatures this weekend but then they started getting really bad gas (which I know is common in greys but mine were never that bad on this food). We also have friends that feed Prairie and theirs have had bad gas recently as well.


This morning I called our wonderful local feed store and she said I was probably the 8th person to call and question the food. She told me, and I was totally unaware of this, that Nature's Variety had recently entered the Petco stores - and to me that's an obvious sign of not-so-good things to come. She agreed they were probably gearing up for a sale if they are switching from Feed/Specialty Stores to Big Box Stores. They haven't admitted to a change in formula but I don't need any convincing when none of my 6 dogs is interested in their food for 3 days straight. We were big supporters of Prairie for a long time and didn't care how much it cost as long as the quality was high and our dogs did well on it. Now we're on the big search again.


Anyway, wondering if anyone else has experienced this and wanted to share what I've learned. We are really picky about what our dogs eat so we are going back to the drawing board to find another food for them. I've heard Fromm has worked well for some folks. Orijen and Taste of the Wild is too rich, in my opinion.


Looks like homecooked meals for a couple days until we get them transitioned to a new food that they will eat. (and of course I'll be eating leftovers and lean cuisines from the fridge while I fret over their meals! :whiteflag )

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Guest CakeLady

i had heard of this! it does look high quality. the feed store we use doesn't carry it so we'd have to drive pretty far to stock up. we ended up getting some samples of the Fromm Chicken dry kibble and will try that tonight. i hope they like it...

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No experience with the food except we sold it for a while at the day care but it didn't move so we clearanced it.


The thread title had me :rotfl

We joked and joked about prairie dog food...was it made from these guys or something you'd feed them?

They sell them as pets in Lubbock...mean as heck.


Edited by Hubcitypam
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Guest happygrey

Is it possible you just got a bad bag? I've fed their Instinct line and think their products are in general very good.


I've never seen it in Petco. :huh

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Guest CakeLady

LOL yes "Prairie Dog Food" can be misleading!


At the beginning i did assume I had just gotten a bad bag, but when I called the feed store they heard multiple complaints so I knew it wasn't an isolated incident. That's when I learned all the info about them entering Petco stores, etc. etc. I just know that in the past when a high quality food begins retailing at Petco they are usually gearing up for a sale to a bigger company or are going to change their formula to drop the price of the food. Nobody wants to pay $56/30 lb bag of food at Petco.


My dogs L O V E the Fromm "Chicken a la Veg" and have gobbled it down at each meal. No gas or big D either, yet, so that's a big bonus. The owner of the feed store said the company is a 4th generation family company and she seemed to feel very comfortable recommending their food. So, hopefully all continues to go well!

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