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Arrhytmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy

Guest june

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Guest june

My 9-1/2 year old girl has just been diagnosed with this. She has had x-rays; her heart does not appear to be enlarged. Also an ECG which clearly shows the irregular heart beat. My vet is grading this a 4-5/6 and is consulting with OSU and also our adoption group's vet and I should know more sometime today or tomorrow. In the mean-time I'm keeping her quiet. Her symptoms come on suddenly and leave just as suddenly. Often after an episode she will lick her lips so I know it is causing her distress.


She needed to be put under about 4 months ago for a dental issue and this was not a problem then so it is fairly new onset.

Just wondering if anyone here has any experience with this.


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My boy Lazer has been thru a lot of cardiac things in the last year. not from heart disease but ultimately from PLN. so I understand your concern and desire to learn more about this condition....


Lazer had 2 blood clots in his heart. one was in his tricuspid valve (it has diminished significantly)

he has been in arterial fibrillation.. a quivering type of contraction of the heart muscles, since last August. he has lowered circulation *from the clots in his heart. this is all from PLN (protein loosing nephropothy) --- everything is under control and getting better with medications and alternative therapies.


I hope you get answers from OSU and that it is treatable, and that your girl is on the mend soon!

good luck!

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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Guest buttonwillow

:bighug :bighug :bighug :bighug

Hope everything goes well. I'm sorry I can't offer you any information.

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Guest june

Thanks for the support; it really does help! So sorry to hear about Lazer's problems. Blood clots in his heart sounds really scarey. I hope he continues to get better.


I've been sitting on my hands so that I don't call the vet every 5 minutes to see if they have heard anything. I love my vet and trust her judgement; she knows what she doesn't know and isn't afraid to admit it. I know my girl is in good hands. I looked at her a bit ago and she was having an episode. Her breathing became labored panting and after, what seemed like forever to me, her breathing slowed back down and she began nervously licking her lips. I hope we find out something soon. I am on vacation this week and I am so glad that I am being able to spend more time with her and watching over her!


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I am sorry you are going through this. I hope you hear news from your vet soon. Putting your beautiful girl in my prayers.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Guest june

Thanks for the prayers Chris. Have not heard back from OSU or Dr. Whal yet. Hopefully will hear something tomorrow. I have been keeping her in the house where it is cool except when she goes out to potty and am keeping her quiet as much as I can.


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I hope the both of you will get a good nights sleep! and that you have news tomorrow.


lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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dr petrie is a well know cardioligist who almost annually uses greyhounds from our group for a teaching seminar on using updated imaging(echo cardiogram) equipt. for the heart. both of my dogs were used one time. emily who had an irregular heart beat was clearly diagnosed w/ cardiac myothopy(sp)...basically a leaky vavle of the ventricular which he said is quite common in ex-racers. he contucts seminars nationally and is really well respected. dr. petrie did some amazing surgery on a friend's young corgi puppy laproscoptic surgery via the vein and 3 years later this pup who should not have survived is out and running. he can be an excellent resource for rereading the findings and a consult via mail and phone.


it's the afib that's scarey, the leaky valve seems pretty normal from what i understand.

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Guest june

(Hmm, thought I replied earlier)



Thanks for the added information. Yes, the afib is scarey. I got an email earlier today from OSU that they will be glad to consult and requesting more information and so I forwarded their reply to my vet. I'm sure I won't know more until after the holiday. It is hard to wait.


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Guest bernadette

June, I am so sorry to hear this. My nine year old boy (will be nine in August) was dx yesterday with a murmur (3 out of 5- not 6), holosystolic and in the mytral area, lungs are clear. That is what the vet said, I am quoting him... I still am not 100% clear on what that all means (this is all in my thread about possibly becoming a hypochondriac for my dog...!).

I knew the last couple of weeks that something was not right with him and in the last month or two he has been panting more. On Friday he started to just stop on his walks, not wanting to go forward, back or in any direction. He did not eat yesterday so I am going to make some chicken for him in a moment. The vet did took blood yesterday for a complete work up and put Vinnie on antibiotics for his mouth (he needs a dental but I don't know that I would consider a general anesthetic at this point). He suggested a cardiologist which I am looking into.


I need to look into cardiomyopathy, so much to learn.

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Guest june

Bernadette, So sorry to hear about your boy. It is so scarey when it has to do with the heart! My vet said it was good that I noticed it as the sooner something like that is caught the better.


What made me realize something might be wrong was information from a book I just finished reading, "Good Old Dog, Expert Advice for Keeping Your Aging Dog Happy, Healthy, and Comfortable." Loads of great information (although not specific to greyhounds) written in terms I could understand. I would suggest it for anyone who has an older dog. My three are 8, 9 and almost 10.

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