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Back story...Pop has lupus and I just got new appliances on Wednesday. I ran the self clean option on the oven and opened a couple of winows to try to air out the house, but it was still smelly when I went to work on Thursday. I came home from work and Pop was coughing and trying to vomit something up. He has now done that 2 more times. So...any ideas? Take note that they have a dog door and can let themselves out while I'm gone (& he likes to eat dog crap)...also, this only happens for a couple of minutes and then he settles down & sleeps/rests for a few hours.


Was it the smell from the new stove/oven (I've since been able to get the rest of the smell out of the house)


Did he eat something in the yard while I was gone (there's only grass/dirt/dog poop out there)


Is it bloat?


Some sort of complication from the Lupus?


He ate his food tonight like he usually does and is drinking water.




I should add that he's been extra gassy lately (see other threads in food)...I've been giving him digestive enzymes and they seem to have settled him down the last couple of days...

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Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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Could he have caught Kennel Cough? They often dry-wretch when they have that.

Gently pinch along his windpipe... they will usually give a gag response if it's KC.


Dogs with compromized immune systems often require antibiotics with KC to stop secondary bacterial infections taking hold.

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Could he have caught Kennel Cough? They often dry-wretch when they have that.

Gently pinch along his windpipe... they will usually give a gag response if it's KC.


Dogs with compromized immune systems often require antibiotics with KC to stop secondary bacterial infections taking hold.


Actually this is what the vet thinks since we went to a dog park (for the very first time) 2 weeks ago...we won't be going back.


They gave him some antibiotics, but the fumes from the stove could have irritated his airways as well.


They did x-rays of his abdomen/stomach area to rule out pneumonia (since he does have a compromised immune system) and they look great. So I brought him home, went and got his meds from Sam's Club, then fed him a really late breakfast which he scarfed down.


BTW, good thing he doesn't chew my stuff up! The stink eye he gave me when they put the thermometer up his butt! :rofl I'd be dead right about now.


ETA Zelda isn't showing any symptoms of KC, but she refused to leave my side when we were at the dog park. I'll watch her and if she gets the same symptoms I'll just ask them for antibiotics for her as well just to nip it in the butt.


I'm exhausted because he coughed every hour, on the hour starting at 3 am...by 5 am I drug myself out of bed, emailed my manager and then stayed up and did things around the house. Luckily my manager is understanding (he has dogs) and just said 'don't worry about getting in here today, go take care of Pop.' I had the afternoon off any way to wait on a service tech for the dishwasher.

Edited by kolarik1

greytalk signature 2020.jpg

Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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Guest sirsmom

Every once in a while my Lou does this hacking/coughing but acts normal and eats normally.

I know he eats grass and I am thinking that's the culprit.


Mine do it after a lot of grass eating also; it's like a blade of grass doesn't go down.

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Guest starbuck

I definitely hope it's not actually kennel cough, but at least you have antibiotics to help out regardless. I actually can't run the self-cleaning function on most stoves because the fumes make me sick. When we bought the new place and ran the stove on broil for the requisite hour to burn off whatever chemical coating was in there, I started coughing and hacking and ended up having an asthma attack. It took about three months for my lungs to calm down between the fumes from that, the VOCs from the paint, and the new carpet. It's too bad you can't give Pop a cup of tea with honey. :(

Edited by starbuck
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I definitely hope it's not actually kennel cough, but at least you have antibiotics to help out regardless. I actually can't run the self-cleaning function on most stoves because the fumes make me sick. When we bought the new place and ran the stove on broil for the requisite hour to burn off whatever chemical coating was in there, I started coughing and hacking and ended up having an asthma attack. It took about three months for my lungs to calm down between the fumes from that, the VOCs from the paint, and the new carpet. It's too bad you can't give Pop a cup of tea with honey. :(


Actually Pop would LOVE tea w/honey because he thinks all human food is his...he's never had it though.


He's still coughing, but it very well could be the self cleaning feature on the oven...I'm wondering if I should still run it for 1/2 hour to hour on 500 degrees to burn off any more residual or not...he didn't react to the primer/paint so far and the Duration paint was pretty strong smelling.

greytalk signature 2020.jpg

Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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Guest starbuck

I definitely hope it's not actually kennel cough, but at least you have antibiotics to help out regardless. I actually can't run the self-cleaning function on most stoves because the fumes make me sick. When we bought the new place and ran the stove on broil for the requisite hour to burn off whatever chemical coating was in there, I started coughing and hacking and ended up having an asthma attack. It took about three months for my lungs to calm down between the fumes from that, the VOCs from the paint, and the new carpet. It's too bad you can't give Pop a cup of tea with honey. :(


Actually Pop would LOVE tea w/honey because he thinks all human food is his...he's never had it though.


He's still coughing, but it very well could be the self cleaning feature on the oven...I'm wondering if I should still run it for 1/2 hour to hour on 500 degrees to burn off any more residual or not...he didn't react to the primer/paint so far and the Duration paint was pretty strong smelling.


Stick a coat on him and put him outside before you run it (just to be safe). And when you do, make sure you have all the windows open/oven hood going to keep air circulating.

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