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Big "d" Non Grey

Guest LegendOfZelda

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Guest LegendOfZelda

Hi my name is Jen. I dont own a grey (yet) but I have been lurking on here for a few months.

I am hoping everyone on here can give me some advice with my little guy. We are currently on a road trip and two days ago he managed to get out of the truck and he went missing for 24 hours. He is really shy and no one was able to catch him. So he was running around the city all alone and extremely stressed out. when we found him, he seemed fine. Thirsty and hungry and tired, but He ate fine and was his normal self. Today though he is having diarrea with blood. He also threw up once. I am not sure if this is just because of stress or if something happened wile he was gone. (hit, or ate something he shouldn't)


thanks for the help!

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If it were me, I'd get him to a vet. So many things could have happened to him. Even if it's just stress, you'll want good advice about what to do for him until he regains his equilibrium. Maybe someone else will chime in with more experience than I and have a different idea. Meanwhile, if you share where you are now, maybe one of us who knows the area can recommend a good vet that you could see. Wish I could be more help. In general, people seem to recommend holding back on the food until vomiting and diarrhea have passed, while providing plenty of water. Wishing you and your dog all the best in sorting things out soon! Oh, and I'm so glad you were able to get him back! That must be a great relief, at least.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Is he throwing up blood as well? If so, get him to the vet asap. Had he ever had blood in his stool before? How much blood is there now? If hes never had blood in his stool I'd get him to the vet soon. If hes prone to some stress colitis and it looks the same as other times then I'd keep an eye on him. If theres a lot of blood, bring him in asap.

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f it was just diarrhea or just vomiting it might be able to wait a day or so but, with both vomiting and diarrhea and especially since the diarrhea has blood this becomes an emergency and the dog needs to get to the vet as soon as possible.

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