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Introducing A Cat To A Dog Only House

Guest FordRacingRon

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Guest FordRacingRon

I know there are probably a lot of thread on this but I wanted a new one I could find.


Short Story: How would I introduce a cat into a household that has never had any pets save for our greyhound, Princess Leia.


LOng Story:


We have a cat that has been living on our porch for 3 weeks. The reason is I made a bed and a home for her to live in. The other reason is because I fed her. I fed her because she was starving. She was starving because............Miss Kitty used to live two doors down and across the street. About 3 months ago the lowlifes who lived there had to move out after they pretty much demolished the house left to them by thier late parents. So naturally they leave thier cat behind. I knew they would do this and had occasionally see the cat wandering the area but I finally caved. Just so you know,,we live in a suburb of LA,,we live at the end of a dead end street (not cul-d-sac), 2nd house from the end. Traffic is non-existant except for the few that live here. There are two cats that belong to the neighbors that live outside,,,I am sure there are pleny of strays but I dont' see them.


I have had trouble finding her a home or even a rescue group to take her. I felt bringing her in the house would be the end of her as my dog really doesn't like dogs (except greys), squirrels, rabbits and cats. Someone asked me once if my dog would chase a ball and I told them if you hooked a cat, rabbit or squirrel to t he ball and threw it she would,,otherwise no. She is beyond sweet and the lowlifes must have let her in occasionally as she really wants in the house. She sits on your lap and is happy to see me every time I go out to visit her,,but I feel she deserves a home so I tried to find her one to no avail so far. I do have one nibble and I will find out MOnday.


Anyhow,,Friday she goes in for her spay,,if she hasn't been so yet. OUr local shelters have a free spay and neuter deal going on and she will get all her shots, a chip, flea meds (she has no fleas) and spayed all for free. Then on MOnday we find out if she has a home. Just so you know,,my DW was adimate about her not living here,,ever.


Now,,last night,,my DW does a 360,,"should we keep her and bring her in the house?" So if she doesn't have a new house to go to MOnday,,she has one to live at now. Preferably in the house, not on the front porch.


So how do I convince my greyhound that a cat in the house is good. WHAT DO I DO???? BTW,,my dog has chased this cat out of our backyard numerous times,,and this is the only cat that turned to fight her once. Also,,just now,,my SIL brought over her dog to meet Miss Kitty and Miss Kitty sat on her bed and didn't even budge whne my SIL dog came to sniff her.

Edited by FordRacingRon
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Wow, good for you for stepping up to the bat to give Miss Kitty a home. We had cats 1st and both of my Greys were deemed "cat safe" when I brought them in and neither had any interest in my adult cats, they are indoor/outdoor and they have never chased them. I added a kitten 5 years ago and he was 5 weeks old so I had to keep a watchful eye and a separate room for him @ night and when I was not here, until he was older and they understood he was part of the pack and family. If Leia has already chased kitty, you may need to re-introduce them w/muzzle and see if this is do-able. What reaction does Leia have to him living on porch, have they met face on? I have brought a few other Greys here to foster/adopt and one guy was absolutely hell bent on getting the cats, could not break the stare, licking lips, ears perked, stalking them, he could not be trusted w/them ever.

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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Guest FordRacingRon

When we walk,,if Leia sees a kitty on the other side of a fence or even just sitting,,she gets excited,,her tail starts goign nuts then she jumps around and barks. She will lunge but knows, after being on the end of my leash for 6 years, that it is pointless and she isn't really going to get a cat, so she doesn't lunge with a lot of authority. Then she'll just bark and bark untill the cat runs away.


Leai has seen Miss Kitty thorugh the screen numerous times,,once when Miss Kitty was first here Leia was doing the tail wagging thing but I told her to stop and she did. She nows sees Miss Kitty and watches here,,but will get distracted if we try to distract ehre,,in other words Miss Kitty stops being interesting. She has not barked,,yet.


Leia also doesn't like dogs (Since the pitbull tried to kill her 5 years ago),,just greys,,and really dislikes small dogs. My SIL brought her small dog over,,really just to see Miss Kittys reaction to a dog (albiet a dog smaller then her!),,and when Leia saw Daisy (SIL's dog) through the screen she had a fit (barking and gwrwoling) and was in attack mode,,no where near the reaction she gives Miss Kitty.

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Guest sheila

It could be that Leia will react differently to an indoor cat than an outdoor cat. If I were you what I would begin doing is familiarize both animals with each others scents. For instance take a blanket the cat has laid on and bring it inside for Leia to sniff and become used to and vice versa. When you do bring the cat in, muzzle Leia and if possible gate off a room for the cat to hang out in but allows both of them to see each other and smell each others presence. I also have done things like 'mixing scents' in which I will pet a cat and immediately pet a dogs face and vice versa to get them used to each other. Most of all until you feel the cat is safe in the house, keep Leia muzzled.

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Guest FordRacingRon

My SIL and DW just came back from shopping (My SIL is a cat lady),,,she said Miss Kitty's nails are too long and she clipped them with a regualr nail clipper and Miss Kitty didn't mind a bit. Leia watches through the screen door. On whim I held Miss Kitty right up to Leia's face thorugh the screen,,some sniffing and Leia walked away. this may work.

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Leia may very well react differently to an indoor kitty, and she is apparently getting used to Kitty :) My cats have a safe room. I mounted a babygate about 8"-10" above the floor so the cats can run in and out as they please, but the dogs can't get into the room. Also helps to keep the cat food and litter box away from the dogs :)


Good Luck!


Oh, and we'll need :digicam

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