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Lymphangiectasia / Ple

Guest ZBippy

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Guest ZBippy

Highlighter has been diagnosed with PLE / lymphangiectasia. She is also our dog who has had two vestibular events in the past 3.5 months. We just got back her blood results last night so I am going today after work to pick up her prednisone and special food. Right now her rear right leg/foot is swollen (pitting edema) and her tummy is just so full of fluid.


Since her vestibular episodes, she has been fairly sedentary and we haven't pushed it since she still walks very sideways and unsteady. DH was the one who took her to the vet and he noticed that the swelling in her leg went down while he was there since she stood nearly the whole time. So last night DD and I took Highlighter for a short walk down to the end of the street and back, thinking that it could help with the swelling. She seemed to like the walk but she just seemed so awkward. Her belly is so jiggly and swollen and to me it looks like her rib cage has spread (could this be possible since she lays around so much plus her body is always curved to the right?) DD said that she looks like a cow and I think that was a good comparison--she looks like a cow with full udders swaying back and forth. So I am not sure if we should do another walk or not. I tend to think that we should because it might help her feel a bit better mentally (I am probably projecting but I think it would be depressing to be this sick.)


I am sorry that this is kind of all over the place. Anyway, can anybody give me any tips, pointers, advice about PLE?

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As just pointed out- a bile acids test should be done to check liver function.

Honestly, I would seek out an internal medicine vet for a second opinion because your hound sounds pretty serious. There's a chance that your hound may need to be transfused. Also, other tests (biopsies) may need to be run prior to starting the pred.

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Guest PA_Greys

Hi ... our grey was diagnosed with L about 8 months ago, I know how confusing it can be at first. I got a lot of information from this forum (which is now read only, but lots of info.)...pretty much if you are experiencing something, you will find a thread where someone else has gone through the same thing.


Hope it helps.

Hang in there, for most it seems to be a case of finding the balance of meds and food that work for your particular dog.

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I was reading your post about Highlighter and the edema in the front paws and belly. I'm curious to know how the vet is relieving the fluid in the stomach area? I am not familiar with your pup's condition, but Mac, my greyhound was just diagnosed with Mesothelioma (You can read my posts about this) and had swelling of the front paws, chest and belly area that had to be drained, but helped so much. He is back to near normal now with the help of meds for his hypertension and mesothelioma. I am greytful for each day we have him and cherish every minute, so I truly understand what you are going through.


Best of luck to you in finding some answers, and know that you are both in my thoughts and prayers...


Barbara, Mac & Cleo

Castle Shannon, PA

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Guest ZBippy

Thank you for the responses.


She has not had a liver function test. The test they did was a blood draw that tested her albumin, kidneys, and protein plus they tested her urine. I am sure that other things were measured but I left my notes at home and that is all I am remembering right now. I will ask about the liver function test when I talk to the vet tomorrow.


It looks like the owner of the savelouie forum made it read only starting last week but I will search through it for past threads.

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The support forum does also have a Facebook Page: Canine lymphangiectasia support

I found the forum very helpful when we were going through IBD & PLE with Ducky.

As far as the fluid, I would get it drained. Ducky developed fluid around his lungs and the awful cough he had from it caused aspiration pneumonia.

Managing their diet is critical along with the meds. It's a terrible disease, good luck!

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
www.greyhoundadventures.org & www.greyhoundamberalert.org & www.duckypaws.com


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