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Should I Be Concerned?

Guest amazing_gracie

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Guest amazing_gracie

Does anyone else's Grey do this?

Last week, we had an unseasonably warm day. When I got home, I took Gracie out as usual, but she would not pee. I had been gone for about 6 or 7 hours. She pooped, but would not pee - didn't even try to. I walked her around for almost an hour, hoping she'd pee, but she didn't and I finally gave up and took her inside. She peed as normal that night during our bedtime walk, so I didn't worry too much about it.


Today, a week later, she again would not pee when I took her outside after returning home from work. It's now been 9 hours since she peed last and she won't pee. She doesn't even try to. She drinks her water, eats normally and doesn't seem to be in pain. Nevertheless, I'm worried now that this has happened twice in one week.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Girls are often like that. How long have you had her? Some girls really HAVE to go before they'll go pee on a leashed walk. If she is otherwise normal, and not having accidents, I wouldn't sweat it.

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Guest amazing_gracie

Girls are often like that. How long have you had her? Some girls really HAVE to go before they'll go pee on a leashed walk. If she is otherwise normal, and not having accidents, I wouldn't sweat it.


Gracie's been with us about a year and a half. She seems ok, and is not having accidents. I got worried because her usual routine is to pee shortly after take her outside, especially when I've been gone all day. She is amazing at holding her pee - once I had to leave her alone for 12 hours and she didn't have an accident! I felt so bad when I got home, I should've been there hours before, and I was almost expecting and accident, but she's good!


Anyway, based on past experience, I got worried because except for these 2 incidents, she ALWAYS pees when I get home in the afternoon/evening. But if this could fall within "normal" I won't worry. When should I worry? Just so I have a point of reference.

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Guest sheila

If you are worried she might have an UTI (like perhaps it hurts to pee??) you could try and catch a sample and run it into your vet. At my vets office a tech will come out and check the sample right in the lobby so I don't even pay for an office visit. A 'first of the morning' sample is best and if you can't get it to the vet while it's fresh then refrigerate it until you can get there. Catching a sample on a female can be tricky but the way I did it is to slip a tin foil pie pan under the dog as she began to pee and then transferred it to a sterile container. You don't need to catch a lot of pee, just enough to dip a test strip into.

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If it's a sometime thing, then I wouldn't worry. I does fall within the realm of "normal." Especially for a girl dog. Our first grey would routinely hold it 12 hours or longer if it was raining - she hated going out in the rain! - and we live in Oregon!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest amazing_gracie

Has she been panting more with this warm weather?? Could be she's panting off fluds and not drinking enough to replenish the fluid loss--- she just might not have urine to void.


That is a very good point! It has gotten so warm so quickly, that could be it! Thanks! She is an odd one with drinking water - she always has fresh water available, but I seem to have to remind her to drink. She knows the word "water" and will drink if I tell her to. But I don't know if she drinks of her own accord when I'm not home.

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Has she been panting more with this warm weather?? Could be she's panting off fluds and not drinking enough to replenish the fluid loss--- she just might not have urine to void.


That is a very good point! It has gotten so warm so quickly, that could be it! Thanks! She is an odd one with drinking water - she always has fresh water available, but I seem to have to remind her to drink. She knows the word "water" and will drink if I tell her to. But I don't know if she drinks of her own accord when I'm not home.


My dogs don't appear to drink much when I'm not at home. It's almost like they realize that if they drink they might have to hold it or have an accident. When I get home, they greet me, they go out, then they come in and wait in line at the water bowl. So my first thought was also that she hadn't been taking in enough water during our hot spell.



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