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Training An Older Girl To Pee On A Pad Instead Of The Rug

Guest greytkidsmom

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Guest greytkidsmom

I didn't want to hijack the peeing thread but for those of you who need to use pee pads for your girls, how did you train them to use the pad instead of the rug? If you have more than one dog, did your other dogs use the pad too? We are a bit worried that our two boys will figure them out and "regress" to peeing on them in the house too.

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Joe T :blush pees on the pee pads (he even has his very own endorsed brand of pee pads with his picture on it!)


Basically we put the pads in his fave spot and then kept moving it inch by inch to "our" favorite <easier to clean> spot. Once he realized that I was not going to go ballistic on him if he peed on the pads all was good.


Logan, Greta, Pepper and Buffy have never used the pads as a matter of "convenience". That may be due to the fact that the pee smell is not lingering - I dunno....

(I remember once just before Logan passed I knew he had to go and go bad and I didn't think we'd make it outside down 12 floors in the elevator - so I even brought him to the pee pad and told him it was OK - nope he wasn't having anything to do with it so down in the elevator we went!!)

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Guest herbsofmine

I use pee pads with Herbie because as he got older he started having infrequent accidents in the house. he was always very good about peeing (and pooping if necessary) on a rubber-backed outdoor-type rug. I put the pee pads down where he was peeing and gradually moved them to where it was easier for me to deal with them. My other greyhound does not use them at all, and we sometimes go for weeks without an accident. I just hated the idea he was uncomfortable enough to have to do something he took a lot of pride in never doing when he was younger.

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Guest greytkidsmom

Left the house for 3 hours. Put pads down where she likes to pee. She peed in a totally different spot. Sigh. Guess this is going to take a while.

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I keep emergency pee pads down. George's accidents tend to be in the same spot, and he has actually managed to use the pads--fortunately his pee issue is currently under control, but I'm afraid to take them away now!!!




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Trammell

I have two IG's that use puppy pads (won't go out in wind, rain, or cold); and the Grey goes outside. I trained my iggies the same way I trained dogs to go outside. During their normal potty time, place them on the pad, reward with a treat if they went, if not, I crated or tethered them to me, took them every fifteen minutes or so until they went; or until they attempted to go on my floor; with a firm no, I took them to the pad and then gave them treats there (even if they had already finished on my floor). They use to go stand on the pads thinking they would get treats, even if they didn't go, but now they know what they are for. If you have to be away, you could use an X-Pen with the potty pad in there. Once the concept is down, you can move the pad slowly to where you would like it kept.

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