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Tripp Is Here!

Guest stacy6344

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Re the pooping on leash - are you walking him or is it more like wandering around waiting for him to go? I ask because our boy is one who seems to need to be moving in order to, um, get things moving. He will pee in our small yard but absolutely will not poop there (on leash or off), and requires a walk around the block to do so.


Maybe if you walk Tripp somewhat briskly around the area where you want him to poop, it will help him to go. When he does go, praise lavishly so he knows that he's done what you wanted!! He'll get the idea :).


Beth is like this too, and I'm glad to know we're not alone. I would try a brisk walk in the neighborhood with Tripp, and I bet he will go.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest stacy6344

I finally did a thorough kitty check on the fenced yard and made sure their were no kitties anywhere and then I let him off the lead in there with the muzzle on and he pooped right away!! I guess he just didn't want his mom watching! :blush

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Guest Iceman41

I am a emac I use graphic converter

I'm not very computer literate...what is that?

Sorry an emac is a bigger version of the iMac ya no Steve jobs apple computers?

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I finally did a thorough kitty check on the fenced yard and made sure their were no kitties anywhere and then I let him off the lead in there with the muzzle on and he pooped right away!! I guess he just didn't want his mom watching! :blush





Is he staying for more than the weekend?!?!?


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest stacy6344

I finally did a thorough kitty check on the fenced yard and made sure their were no kitties anywhere and then I let him off the lead in there with the muzzle on and he pooped right away!! I guess he just didn't want his mom watching! :blush





Is he staying for more than the weekend?!?!?


I believe Tripp has found his forever home!! So I guess Friday was his Happy Gotcha Day!!! :blush

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Guest Greylove74

He's got me wrapped around his paw already. :blush


Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! That is great news!!! Are their any pictures yet? How far are you from Dallas?

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Guest stacy6344

He's got me wrapped around his paw already. :blush


Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! That is great news!!! Are their any pictures yet? How far are you from Dallas?

Thank you!!! He's such a sweet boy. :blush I have put some pics on some other threads...I will post more when I get home. I'm in the Tyler area...you?

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Guest Greylove74

He's got me wrapped around his paw already. :blush


Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! That is great news!!! Are their any pictures yet? How far are you from Dallas?

Thank you!!! He's such a sweet boy. :blush I have put some pics on some other threads...I will post more when I get home. I'm in the Tyler area...you?


I am in Sherman (hour away from Dallas). I am waiting till May to get my first gey thought I've always been around them :)) Congratulations again. I am so happy for you !!!!

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Guest arlosmom

When crate training we always leave for very short amounts of time like 15 minutes and if he is crying we do not let him out till he is quiet for 1 min. then we gradually extend the time. I just say no softly and then ignore until the whining stops. We also crate while we are eating dinner at first and work on the no getting out until quiet skill. He may just be trying to con you a little bit. If he was crating at his fosters then he should crate for you. Which room did you put the crate in? We always put it in our bedroom. My husband and I both worked for 4 of the six we have had and they all crated well except Jewel who was OK as long as I left the muzzle on in the crate (she chewed everything including the plastic walls of the crate.) Eventually, I quit crating but I muzzle all dogs while I am gone.

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