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Cough/ Dry Heaving/ Hairball Sound

Guest BlackandTan

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Guest GreyGary91806

So last night I got home from work to find that Gary ripped apart one of his blankets and the white stuffing was out of it. Last night in the middle of the night he woke me up to a kind of cough hairballish sound and then he vomitted a bit. Fastforward until tonight... didnt hear the sound again before work then got home gave him dinner and he had one cough. We brushed his teeth and used the oral rinse and he started up again for about 10 minutes but no vomitting. He is eating, drinking and going to the bathroom like normal... What should I do???? Im sure someone has had an experience similar!!

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Guest GreyGary91806

Im sorry from what I have personally seen he has only had 2 sessions of 5 to 10 minutes. the 1st was about 430 in the morning and the second was about an hour ago. He will hack and about 30 seconds to a minute do it again.

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I would call the vet, he might have something lingering from the blanket.

Hacking can also be a sign of a serious stomach issue in which the stomach turns, bloating. The reason I mention that because I was witness to a dog hacking and turned out to be bloat. Not saying that's what it is, but call the vet just to make sure.

keep us posted.

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I second the suggestion for a vet visit. I assume you were at work today, so it's possible he may have been coughing without anyone hearing him. Hopefully, Gary will be fine, but I know of a hound that died from ingesting a sock which caused an internal blockage.


When you have time, please let us know how Gary is doing.

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Guest GreyGary91806

He ate breakfast this morning with no coughing at all.. If i hear any more Im going right to the vet with him. Thanks everybody


Also i looked through his fesces with a stick and there is nothing that looks odd in it..

The things we do for our pets. :puke

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Oh that silly Gary! :lol Just fyi. For Halloween, I made up goodie bags for my petsitters. My black hound (who could pass for Gary's brother) snagged one of the bags off the table and inhaled as many treats as he could shovel in while I was out of the room. What a mess he made. Crumbs and wrappers everywhere.


Of course, he threw up twice later that day but 1-2 days after that he was hacking/wheezing a bit. At one point, when he was outside it was evident he was trying to throw up. I pried open his mouth and saw a mini-animal crackers wrapper in the back of his throat. Pulled it out and he was fine after that.


So definitely keep an eye on your handsome boy. :)

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Guest GreyGary91806

Thanks a lot, Im hoping that it stops without needing a trip to the vet.. Fingers crossed there.. If he doe make any sound tonight I will have to check his throat out. They just love to cause truoble but ya gotta love them!

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Thanks for the update! I was wondering how he was doing.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
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I would just watch him and his poops at this point. Go with him to make sure he is peeing and pooping. If things are going in and coming out normally just watch him unless he starts up again. Be ready to run him into the vet. Good luck. Garytongue.gif


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