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Overly Timid Dog

Guest swimabm

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Guest swimabm

I recently adopted my greyhound Bailey 4 days ago and we are slowly making progress, but I am running into what I view as a serious problem. I am aware that greyhounds are typically lazy dogs, but Bailey is absolutely uninterested in everything. I have never seen her move from whatever spot I left her in (whether her crate with the door open or the corner of the couch). I have to either spend 30 minutes getting her to move step by step to the door and sometimes even pick her up to get her outside for a walk or to use the bathroom. She does great outside, smelling things, going to the bathroom in the same area, etc. However, she has never even walked around my house by herself. I felt I was very prepared and aware of what I was getting myself into, but I am concerned about her health and happiness.


If anyone has had an experience like this please give me some advice on how to coax her into exploring the house. I have tried luring her with treats, but I have yet to find anything that she is even interested in eating.

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Guest cristaron

When you say overly timid, do you mean she is afraid of things?

Is she afraid of people, noises, any kind of movement? Does she try to cower away from

you when you go near her?


Some greys just aren't really interested in exploring their new homes. If she has only

been with you for 4 days, she's barely getting used to her surroundings. She may just

feel safer staying in one place.

Did your group tell you that she was going to be a shy/timid dog when you adopted her?

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Guest swimabm

She definitely doesn't shy away from movement, but noises do startle her (she panics from the noise when I open/close her crate) .I let her do her thing for the most part (laying off in the corner and watching everything going on). The big problem is her locking up when I get her up to go out The main bit of advice I'm looking for I suppose, is the best way to get her from the bed to the door to go take care of business. She is great with loose leash walking outside, but once it goes on inside, she's a statue.


The adoption program didn't say anything about her being fearful or timid, so I wasn't quite expecting the whole process every time we have to go outside. I don't want to get her into the habit of me either picking her up or it taking a half hour to get to the door every time. As she's not food motivated, I'm running out of ideas to get her to go outside.


It has been 4 days. Give her time and don't put so much pressure on yourself or on her to reach certain milestones of social interaction.


I'm not too concerned about the social interaction, just the getting up to go outside.

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It's all new to her and she could just be scared. Most greyhounds have never been in a house and they are not going to be familiar with things like furniture, slippery floors and so on. She also does not know what to expect in her new surroundings.


Call the group and let them know what is going on and get some feedback from them such as finding out if she was shy/timid there.

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Guest KennelMom

Sounds exactly like my first greyhound. She hasn't changed much in 10 years :lol She takes retirement VERY seriously. Those first couple months I would actually pick her up and carry her outside to potty...to this day she has a bladder of steel and could probably hold it for 24 hours if she needed to. She easily goes 14 hours. She has never liked walks, but does like an occasional sprint in the back yard when she feels like it.


But seriously...she does better with more dogs around, but she will never be and has never been a social butterfly. That's just her. She's happy that way, but I did worry for the first couple years. I do make a point to spend time with her with pets and cuddles on her bed, which she likes.


Could just be she's overwhelmed and it will take more than 4 days for her to come out of her shell. Could just be that's who she is.


eta: I find it curious that she startles/panics when you open her crate. Is she awake? Are you sure? As for getting her outside - clip a leash and say "Outside!" in a happy "this is gonna happen" way. With new dogs, bribing them with treats can make them more confused (trainers at the track don't do that!). You just clip the leash on and walk her out. Sometimes if you circle around and then move forward it's easier to get them walking.

Edited by KennelMom
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Guest Swifthounds

It has been 4 days. Give her time and don't put so much pressure on yourself or on her to reach certain milestones of social interaction.


I'm not too concerned about the social interaction, just the getting up to go outside.


They are both elements of social interaction. She's overwhelmed, in a strange place, and this new person expects a lot from her. You'll have more success if you take the pressure off of her by having less expectation and do mire positive reinforcement of every step in the right direction.


It's tempting to try to accelerate things, but it can take time. Lots of us have been where you are. I look in an IG who was terrified of all people. I just had to find a way "in" - which for him turned out to be using his attraction to the cat to lure him to the yard or out from the back of a greyhound sized kennel. You just need to find what entices her and not show frustration.

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Guest Iceman41

Mine was very shy also. On the first day a brought her home I let her go to my man cave and sleep on my futon.

She did not come out in the house unless I took her buy her collar and walked her out and than she would run straigt back to the futon. It has been 6 months and she is right at home. But sometimes the weirdest things freak her out.4 th of July was a nightmare with all the fireworks

The leash worked just fine for potty breaks and I used the words potty to tell her this is what we are doing.

But I have recently fenced in my yard and have no problems

Good luck give her time and lots or your love.

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My newest girlie was so laid back when I got her I was afraid something was wrong with her. I'd have to drag her off the couch, bed, dog bed or where ever she was laying. She had no interest in anything. Now almost a year later she is the craziest of my three. Time and patience are your best friends.


Her favorite past time.

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as others have said, but is probably overwhelmed. can you get her to go outside with treats, although she still might be too overwhelmed to respond to them. give her time and she'll come out of her shell. everything is still new and scary.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest PhillyPups

When AnnaBanana first came home, she spent about 6 weeks on a dog bed in the kitchen, or out in the yard with me having a hard time getting her back in if food was not involved. I thought she was miserable with me and was going to call Erin and tell her I did not think I was the right home for her. That was on a Saturday, I was going to call her on Sunday. All of a sudden, that Saturday, she walked into the living room and put her head in my lap and has been a mama's girl ever since. It took her time, everything about living in a home/living with other dogs loose was new to her. She is my thinker, my smart Mama girl. She analyzes situations and thinks them through. She rules the house with a look._

Give time time. When you go to take her out, a bit of liverwurst in your hand may motivate her. Just sayin ~ Good luck :)

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