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Nervous Mom...

Guest pinky425

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Guest pinky425

Crash is being vetted tomorrow so we can bring him home this weekend. Nervous mom- I'll be glad to hear from the kennel that he's back, safe and sound. Same anxieties with our chihuahua when she got her teeth cleaned last year as well. Any time they go under it's a bit nerve-racking. But this is the last thing before we bring him home so I'm excited for it to be over with :colgate

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Good thoughts for Crash (cool name by the way). He should do fine...and pictures of him would be very useful, for us. :D

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest greybookends

Congratulations on your new boy. I am sure all will be fine. Where are you getting your new boy from? I would love to see his picture I just don't know who's website to go to. :)

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Guest pinky425

Thanks! We are getting him from Project Racing Home in NC. I don't think they've updated their website in a while though.


This is the picture they have of him on their FB.

His racing name was GMC Hintofpower but they've been calling him Crash and we love that name for him!

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Guest KennelMom

Sending good thoughts! :goodluck PRH is a great group...My second greyhound Hanna came from Kimberly, as did Diva.

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Wow! He's a real cutie pie! Sending good thoughts for a clean bill of health tomorrow and a bee line for your home this weekend! Love the name - :beatheart Crash :beatheart

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest pinky425

I'm still waiting to hear back. It might be tomorrow before I get an answer to my e-mail. Thanks for all the support everyone! It's really nice to have such a nice support network on here, especially since DH is gone to do training for a couple of weeks :) I'll update everyone as soon as I hear back from them! And I love PRH! They have been such a huge help in the entire process from app approval to finding the right grey to even meeting me halfway to pick up Crash. I'd recommend them to anyone!

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Your boy is so handsome! Be sure to let us know how he's doing. We all know how nerve-wracking it is when anesthesia is involved. We'll be looking for your update and some new pics too! :thumbs-up

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