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Guest Nuthatch

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Guest Nuthatch

Our local vet office has several vets but I have only ever seen two as I am lucky I have not been a regular visitor. You get whoever is working unless you want to fix an appointment for a specific person.


One vet has lots of experience with greyhounds and is straight talking. I try to make an appointment with her wherever possible but she only works a couple of days a week. She weighs, gives injections, sage advice, looks at lumps and bumps and tells me not to worry.


The other vet also works a couple of days a week at this surgery but she must groan at my name in the diary. Somehow she only gets to see me when there is a problem with a dog and she has to give bad news. Can you take this drain out of my dogs ripped up face? Can you x-ray my dog’s leg as it has had a limp for a couple of days? Can you put my dog down? Can you amputate my dogs toe?


I think I will book her next time to give the shots to break this run of bad luck. Does anyone else seem to have one vet for the routine stuff and another for all the bad stuff?

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We try to be an equal opportunity family. We spread the bad around to all the vets in the practice :rolleyes: Between Lincoln getting sick and passing in January and then Milky and her mystery illness in April, we've seen every vet several times. For the good and the bad. We do try to see the main vet in the practice for scheduled appointments. With Milky we've started doing all the follow-ups with the 2 vets that treated her in April.

Trish, Thorpe, Thorton, Solstice and Remy
Come see us at Milkys Greyt Goodies Fleece coats, cool-down coats, pajamas and Scrunchies for the well dressed greyhound

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YES! We go to a practice with several vets. Like you, our favorite greyhound savvy vet, only works limited hours. For routine visits, we schedule with her. Unfortunately, she is usually not working when we have "emergency" issues or problems. At least everything is computerized so that each vet has a full case history at their fingertips.

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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I go to a one vet practice, so she gets my routine and my bad :rolleyes: I am very lucky that she is only 5 min away and is grey savy. The few times I've had to go to the evet with a dog, I've been lucky to get a vet that at least has some experience with greys and their quirks. I'm usually at the evet with a cat.

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Yep. I had a routine appointment for one of my dogs just last night. We were talking about your thread. My regular vet has been with the practice (10 vets) a long time as have I. The new young guy has had the distinction of putting three of my dogs down under emergency circumstances.

I love Dr. Matt ( the young guy.) Last time I lost a dog poor Matt said to me; "Can we just do coffee next time?" It has become kind of a standing joke between the three of us.

Sometimes you have to laugh through the tears.

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