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Vet Teeth Cleaning

Guest BlingDogs

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Guest BlingDogs

Hi all,

Dory, my broodie, has stage 4 peridiontal disease- The very worst kind. So it's time to bring her to the vet to have her teeth cleaned and the bad ones extracted- Probably about 4 or 5. She's 9 now, do you think it would be dangerous for her to be put under? She's otherwise perfectly healthy, and she was spayed only last year. Also do you have any recommendations for good vets in the GTA Ontario? I'm happy with my vet now, but they are very expensive.

Thanks in advance,


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If her teeth are that bad, she needs the cleaning. There is always a risk and you need to take it. Her mouth is probably infected and will only get worse. The infection could spread and could cause heart and other problems. If her mouth becomes too painful she could stop eating and if you wait to long after that she won't have the strength to make it through surgery. I'm actually surprised the vet let you wait until it got that bad. Where ever you go it may be worth seeing if the vet recommends presurgical antibiotics to help the healing process.

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Guest Swifthounds

In the last year I have had 12, 13, and 14 year old hounds under anesthesia without issue. Age alone is not an anesthesia risk. Health, and especially undisclosed health conditions, are the risk. Even many issues that crop up on bloodwork can be handled by tweaking the anesthesia protocol a bit. A bad mouth leads to all sorts of health issues, so I would definitely go ahead with pre op testing and the dental.

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Guest greytkidsmom

My 9.5 year old just had a cleaning with extractions last week without problem. Like others have said the risk of leaving infected teeth and gums untreated is greater than the benefit of avoiding anesthesia. If your dog is otherwise healthy and your vet does bloodwork to make sure there are no underlying problems she should do fine. That doesn't mean that you still won't worry about her :)

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