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Lots Of Crying And Whining

Guest ChelseyQ

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Guest ChelseyQ

I was talking to my mom who is another grey owner. recently her grey has been getting up in the middle of the night and just pacing, crying and whining around the whole house, and she also will do it sometimes during the day. this just came on recently within the past two weeks and we cant really figure out a thing. were a little worried because she sounds like shes in pain when she makes all those noises.

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Does she need to go outside? She may have a UTI. Would be worth checking out.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Has you mother taken the dog to the vet?


Is it possible there's an animal in the yard that the dog can hear but your mom can't?


How old is the dog?


What does your mother do when the dog is pacing and whining?


I think people can be more helpful if you can provide more details! Thanks!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest ChelseyQ

Sorry for the lack of detail, it was a quick post before work. but yes we have taken her to the vet and then checked everything out...finding nothing wrong. and tried taking her out when she does it at night just in case she needs to go out. shes about 7 years old and is in very good health. what ive done ( and also my mother an sister) when she starts her whining let her hop in bed with us, since she usually sleeps in her crate, and she calms down for a little bit but gets restless again. thanks!

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I'd leave the crate door open so she can sleep there, or not.


It could very well be something as odd as a raccoon in your yard, so be careful letting her out in the middle of the night.


Is she getting enough exercise?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest gleigh78

ChelseyQ -- If this is similar to what you're talking about, do you mind sharing this thread? If it's not, I'll make a new post and not clutter up your thread.


I was just about to come on here and ask pretty much the same question. I've been dealing with this with my 11-year-old gh, Ajai, for a few years. It's only at night. He whines, refuses to walk in or out of a room (like he's stuck in the hallway), and wants to go hang out outside. He'll stay out there, ignoring me if I call him in, for about 30 minutes or so, then bark to come in when he's ready. He'll sleep for 20-30 minutes, then he's up again wanting out, only to want in again. Sometimes he wants to come in the bedroom, but he needs me to "escort" him in, so he whines at the door in the hallway until I get up and bring him in.


This comes and goes, intensity-wise, but it's never gone away. He's had multiple vet check-ups by multiple vets. At first -- about 6 years ago -- the vet said he was just afraid of the dark. Nothing physically wrong. A nightlight took care of it for a while. When that stopped working, we had to turn on the hallway light. About two years ago, we found that he had a thyroid problem. Pills took care of his levels and some mild aggression that formed b/c of that, but didn't fix the whining. About six months ago, he was diagnosed with SLO and lost all his nails. The whining was the same, no worse, unless he had *just* lost a nail -- and that was a scream, not a whine. Within the past 6 months, his eyes have gotten just a bit cloudy from glaucoma, but the vet said he *should* be able to see OK, not perfect, but no big deal.


I haven't wanted to put him on ClomiCalm or anything b/c during the day he's the laziest dog in the world, and not afraid of anything. I don't know what else to do, though -- like I said, any of the illnesses he's come down with over the years don't affect his nighttime behavior. And if it were pain-related, wouldn't he do this in the daytime as well? It's only at night. If I can't sleep b/c of his whining, and I go into "Ajai's room" -- the office, where we leave the light on -- to use the computer, he's quiet and goes to sleep. It's like he just wants me to be awake and with him so he can sleep.


Our vet is coming out to see him next Thursday. She has a mobile unit, so I plan to bring her in the house and show her exactly where he goes so she can see the house. We have five dogs total (3 gh's, 1 rott mix, 1 husky mix) and all but one are 9 years and up. We've dealt with a lot of ailments and illnesses over the years, but none of them have remotely touched this. If it's behavioral, I don't know what to do at this point at his age.


I live on a narrow, very curvy road in the country and there are no sidewalks to walk him. Two pedestrians have gotten hit by cars -- one killed -- on this road, so that's not an option. We also have an issue with people's loose dogs. This issue was going on before I moved here, when I lived in the suburbs and walked the dogs every day. We have a huge fenced yard for them, and they all run and play every day. I know that's not enough exercise, but since we've moved here, the rottie has lost 15 pounds and is in the best shape of her life. All the others are doing great too.


*Edited to add -- We have two DAP diffusers, one in the office where he likes to sleep, and one in our bedroom. Haven't noticed a difference.*

Edited by gleigh78
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