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Long Walk And Poop


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(I could have post in health but it's relative to food too :unsure )


Otis is on raw (mainly chicken, slowly adding other protein). He is an energetic almost 3 years old grey and he loves to go on walks. I usually walk 30 minutes in the morning and 1 hour and + in the evening. When on walk, the first 2 poops are great, well form and good texture (texture of a raw feed dog). But after it gets not to great.. the third and forth poop are not pickable and really soft-liquid... those occur after 30-45 minutes of walk...

should I worry or is this normal?

(dont have any experience since previous greyhound did not like to walk for long period of time ;) )

Our first greyhound, Tuffy: You will always be there with us my angel!
Tuffy greyhound-data
Otis greyhound-data Abbey greyhound-data
"When you open your minds to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." W.Bishop

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This is completely normal no matter what you're feeding. The latter poops have not, um, been in the pipeline for as long and are not as, er, ripe. Normally Otis wouldn't have to go, but the long walk stimulates him and/or he's sort of poop-marking. Absolutely nothing to worry about.


When we're doing a walk in the woods (an environment which seems to really stimulate her to go), I can guarantee Beth will poop until it's just a dribble.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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I should bring along paper towels... later poops are really difficult topick up! ;) people always check if we pick up after... and when it's not pickable things can go sour... :angry:

Our first greyhound, Tuffy: You will always be there with us my angel!
Tuffy greyhound-data
Otis greyhound-data Abbey greyhound-data
"When you open your minds to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." W.Bishop

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