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Still Peeing In Crate

Guest Celestrina

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Guest Celestrina

Not long ago I had started a thread about Angie peeing in crate (original thread). I took her to the vet and was given a clean bill of health. Her urine was collected two ways; both by catching it as she was peeing and by needle directly into her bladder. Bloodwork was also run. She only does this occasionally. We were going to try to wean her off the crate, but not if she keeps this up. Any tips?

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Guest Desonia


I had the same problem with my whippet. I was a bit embarrassed that my dog pooped and peed in her crate ... really often has if it was normal for her....

I tried to reduce her crate with a division .. I felt bad for her cuz now she has not a lot of space but guess what? No pipi and no poop at all in her crate and its been a week. I will wait until its an habit to be clean in crate then remove the division then maybe no crate at all.

Juste sharing my experience here, but I am not an expert :)

Good luck!

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Are the accidents totally random? How long is she IN the crate? How much exercise is she getting before you put her in it?


Some dogs actually HATE being crated. It could be creating anxiety that's actually making her pee.


Or not...


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Could it be that she's telling you she's ready to not be crated? I wouldn't go whole-hog and give her free reign of the house, but could you gate her in a room - a big open room (no bathroom or laundry room) - and put her crate in there, open?


I didn't read your original post, so I may be off-base.


I think a crate is a tool for acclimating for a lot of dogs, they may not need it for life. Some do, though, I understand, due to endangering themselves.


My personal experience has been that dogs that hate the crate - are happy and content when they're out.

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Guest twogreytkids

When I adopted my first boy, he did the exact same thing. After a few days, I decided that maybe he didn't want to be crated, so I just left him out the next time that I had to go to work and hoped for the best. When I got home, everything was perfectly fine. I never crated him again.



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Guest Celestrina

Are the accidents totally random? How long is she IN the crate? How much exercise is she getting before you put her in it?


Some dogs actually HATE being crated. It could be creating anxiety that's actually making her pee.


Or not...


Completely random. She is always taken for a walk until she relieves herself, frequently for around 45 minutes. Sometimes she'll be in there less than an hour and pee, other times she'll be in there for up to two hours without a problem. We've had her since July and this is a new behavior.

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When I adopted my first boy, he did the exact same thing. After a few days, I decided that maybe he didn't want to be crated, so I just left him out the next time that I had to go to work and hoped for the best. When I got home, everything was perfectly fine. I never crated him again.




My friend just had the same experience. That's their way of telling you that they don't like the crate.


When I adopted my first boy, he did the exact same thing. After a few days, I decided that maybe he didn't want to be crated, so I just left him out the next time that I had to go to work and hoped for the best. When I got home, everything was perfectly fine. I never crated him again.




My friend just had the same experience. That's their way of telling you that they don't like the crate.


When I adopted my first boy, he did the exact same thing. After a few days, I decided that maybe he didn't want to be crated, so I just left him out the next time that I had to go to work and hoped for the best. When I got home, everything was perfectly fine. I never crated him again.




My friend just had the same experience. That's their way of telling you that they don't like the crate.

ANGELS: SUSIE (BANDIT SUE) 3/26/1991-5/13/2006, TIPPER (MPS KRISTINA) 7/23/1999-2/4/2008, LADYBUG (BB'S LADYBUG) 5/19/2005-7/9/2008,
HAPPY 12/2000-10/9/2013, RICHY (DON L RICHY RICH) 11/5/2002-5/17/2015, DARREN 9/24/2005-3/2/2017, TUCKER (AWESOME ABILITY) 12/29/2004-12/4/2017,
BUG (BB'S DANCING BUG) 5/19/2005-11/17/2018, Dee (KIOWA DIANDRA) 10/9/2007-6/20/2022, Buddy (PJ PLUTARCH) 11/21/2013-9/8/2023)

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Guest Celestrina

It's so sporadic it's hard to tell. She'll go around a week, then do it again. I was relieved that nothing was physically wrong, but now we have to figure out what is going on.


We might try weaning her off the crate soon.

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It's so sporadic it's hard to tell. She'll go around a week, then do it again. I was relieved that nothing was physically wrong, but now we have to figure out what is going on.


We might try weaning her off the crate soon.


Give it a shot, in a controlled way. What's the worst that can happen if you set up a good environment? If it doesn't work out (i.e. if she FREAKS OUT if left alone out of crate) - live and learn.

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