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Toe Problem.

Guest tinams8

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Guest tinams8

Yesterday Lucy was running like mad and she did something to her toe. It's her front paw, one of the inside toes. It immediately swelled up. The swelling is the upper part of the toe. She was holding the leg up. I ushered her inside to her crate, where she spent the rest of the day sleeping. Later I gave her a Rimadyl. Naturally, this is on a Saturday night.


This morning it is still swollen, but she is not even limping. I am keeping her inside because she wants to run! Is there an injury that would cause swelling but not much pain? I can get a photo if necessary.

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yes, tis the season for injuries. have you soaked it, epsom's salts and cleaned it and inspected? while you are cleaning(wet paper towel and or fingers while it soaks) see if there is any pain. then gently dry it take a flash light and look. then you might have more insight as to a cut,nick, spain or what ever. i always describe things to my vet over the phone and then go in if he deems it necessary. epsom's salts never hurt a sprain or an area that needs to be cleaned out.

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Guest KennelMom

She probably dislocated it and it popped back in place. Greyhounds are well known for running in spite of injuries, so make sure you don't let her. She may want to, but the swelling is telling you that something is wrong. Plus, if you still have her on Rimadyl, that may be masking pain that would normally keep her more sedate.


You can soak in cold water for the first 48 hours, 3-4 times a day for 10 or so minutes...after 48 hours soaking doesn't have much benefit. Leash walk. That's pretty much it. If the swelling gets worse or doesn't subside in a week or less, I'd go in to the vet.

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Could be dislocated, could be broken. Both can look very similar - swelling, bruising, etc.


We had one toe incident where he'd broken off a chip of the bone right at the "knuckle", which then cause a lot of instability at that joint. It took a long time to heal, and we opted to splint that over just the soft wrap we usually do with dislocations.


In most cases in our house, they will want to run around even with the injury. :rolleyes:

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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When my first greyhound Ivy did that same thing- and it looked exactly like your pictures- the vet said the best thing to do was leave it alone- that there really wasn't anything that you should do with it. The swelling went away but there was always a bump/lump there but it never caused her any additional problems. Since then I have had so many greyhounds knock up their toes it barely raises my eyebrow anymore. They ususally heal up just fine but there usually does remain a lump or bump or whatever. Regardless its like that first vet said so long ago-whats done is done and there's really nothing you can do about it but not to worry because most of the time it heals just fine anyway without causing them any serious future problems- and who cares about a little bump on a greyhound toe? Seems like most of them have at least one toe that is banged up or has been amputated even. Hers really doesn't look that bad to me. I wouldn't worry about it myself-especially since its not bothering her.

Edited by racindog
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