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Fresh Pets

Guest BrianRke

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Guest BrianRke

Does anyone else give their hounds Fresh Pets Select? It is in the refridgerated section of the dog food aisle at the grocery store. I give it to them as a treat, not as a meal. All three of my greys go NUTS over this stuff. It is like crack for dogs. It contains very wholesome ingredients. All i have to do is say the words "Fresh Pets" and they will stop whatever they are doing, no matter what it is, and come running. I have never had a reaction out of my dogs like this food brings.

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Guest mcsheltie

I don't know what the cost is, but I bet it would bankrupt me. My girls eat 2400 kcals per day. Half pound has 300 kcals... :yikes

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Guest RiverCityGang

My dogs love it, too ! I give it to them as a treat, so usually I buy the container of nugget size pieces rather than the roll. They don't really care which it is, they gobble it down quick as a flash!!

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I have been feeding Lucy and Teddy Fresh Pet Select for about two years or so. We go through a six pound tube daily, so no, it isn't cheap but it is keeping my my two seniors happy and healthy. They each get 1 pound per meal and I feed three meals a day. link

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest 2dogs4cats

This is perfect timing for this thread. I just bought a tube 3 days ago to try it out. I thought they would go nuts for it, but my girl won't touch it (she is the ultimate picky eater). Luckily my boy eats everything and so he gets a slice with his meals now to finish it up. I thought it had a strange consistency though. I thought it was going to be mushier like pate or something. It's definitely not good for hiding pills.

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Guest Barbara

I used to feed this to the dachshunds, who had conned me into thinking they were picky eaters. When Allstun came to live with us, the way he inhaled his kibble convinced the short ones that kibble was good chow. Just another way Allstun has blessed our house!

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