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Mira Limping - Is This A Corn?

Guest zombrie

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Guest zombrie

Mira has been limping off and on for the past few weeks. I have been shrugging it off because she works out of it and is fine - I figure she has arthritis - she will be 8 in April. Now it seems like she doesn't put weight on the leg when she is standing and we went for a very short walk yesterday and she still started limping.

I checked her foot and there is a tiny little something on it. I have never dealt with corns before so I don't know if this is a very small one or something else - I figured GT would know!


ETA - I pressed on it and she pulled away but it doesn't feel raised or anything





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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I don't see anything that looks like a corn to me. Buzz is my corn boy and his are very noticeable. I would suggest a visit to the vet just in case.

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Can you indicate which toe you pressed on that caused her to pull her foot back? The corn may not have surfaced yet, but may already be causing her problems. One thing I learned when Nadir went through 3 years of limping, the cause of which turned out to be a corn, was that the limping increased dramatically when walking on a hard surface. If he was walking on soft ground or grass it was nearly undetectable.



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Guest zombrie

It is on the second toe, the one that is sticking out the farthest. There is a tiny little speck on it. I pressed on it, and she pulled away. To compare, I pressed on the toe next to it and no reaction. I don't know if it was a fluke or not but whatever is going on is really bothering her. Maybe I should just take her to vet. Oy, this will be our third dog at the vet in the past 3 weeks! When will the madness end :lol

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Guest MnMDogs

Could be. Mork's most painful corn is much less noticeable than the huge one which often protrudes from another toe. They are vey painful... Even if barely visible.

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Guest twoskinnydogs

One of my hounds has chronic corn problems, I don't see anything that looks like one. But as already posted it could be under the surface of the pad.

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Did you try pressing on it both straight on and squeezing the toe from the sides? I notice when my grey has a corn, squeezing his toe from the sides bothers him much more than pressing straight on.

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Guest zombrie

Thanks for the responses, I guess we were just grasping and hoping :blush I will bring her to the vet to see what he thinks because whatever is going on is really bothering her and getting progressively worse. Just a few minutes ago she was laying down and then she struggled to get up and was on 3 legs on the carpet, not a hard surface :( Who knows, my golden was just diagnosed with lyme and anaplasmosis, maybe she has lyme too.

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I enlarged the picture and it may just be my imagination, but I think I might see what could possibly be a corn. Using the toenail as the 12 o'clock position, look between 1 and 2 o'clock.


When you talk to your vet make sure you mention the possibility of a corn. I spent 3 years taking Nadir to 5 different vets trying to find out why he was limping. He was diagnosed with spondylosis by one vet, another time I was told a torn ACL. The other vets just scratched their heads and wanted me to put him on Rimadyl. Which I constantly had to remind them he couldn't take anymore because the Metacam and Rimadyl they had prescribed in the past left him full of bleeding ulcers. Only to find out that a corn was the culprit the whole time.

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Guest zombrie

I enlarged the picture and it may just be my imagination, but I think I might see what could possibly be a corn. Using the toenail as the 12 o'clock position, look between 1 and 2 o'clock.


When you talk to your vet make sure you mention the possibility of a corn. I spent 3 years taking Nadir to 5 different vets trying to find out why he was limping. He was diagnosed with spondylosis by one vet, another time I was told a torn ACL. The other vets just scratched their heads and wanted me to put him on Rimadyl. Which I constantly had to remind them he couldn't take anymore because the Metacam and Rimadyl they had prescribed in the past left him full of bleeding ulcers. Only to find out that a corn was the culprit the whole time.


Thank you! I will be sure to mention it - I can see how it could be missed if it is so small and you are not looking for it.

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I enlarged the picture and it may just be my imagination, but I think I might see what could possibly be a corn. Using the toenail as the 12 o'clock position, look between 1 and 2 o'clock.


When you talk to your vet make sure you mention the possibility of a corn. I spent 3 years taking Nadir to 5 different vets trying to find out why he was limping. He was diagnosed with spondylosis by one vet, another time I was told a torn ACL. The other vets just scratched their heads and wanted me to put him on Rimadyl. Which I constantly had to remind them he couldn't take anymore because the Metacam and Rimadyl they had prescribed in the past left him full of bleeding ulcers. Only to find out that a corn was the culprit the whole time.


Thank you! I will be sure to mention it - I can see how it could be missed if it is so small and you are not looking for it.


Brie I mentioned my experience with Nadir's corn because the vets never even thought to look for a corn. I didn't know anything about corns or how painful they could be at that time either, so I never really would have known what to look for. The corn though when it was brought to my attention was actually quite large so if a vet had looked before it would have been easy to spot. One of the vets I had taken him to prior when I told him what the finding was concerning his limp said that corns are not common in dogs so they usually don't look for something like this. I'm not sure maybe there only prevelant in greyhounds. Good luck on finding the reason for her limp and I hope she is on the mend soon.

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Guest happygrey

I hope she is doing better today. Sorry, I have no experience with corns, but I know there are many locals who do. Lots of Greyhound Adventure people. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of this soon.

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I saw the area in that toe before reading the other responses and it does look like Train's pad when he first started having corn problems. Later, you could see a distinct core, which looked like a white splinter and a light white circle around that. We had Train's toe "excavated" twice because two vets thought it was q foreign body. They were gong to remove the toe when I read up about corns and realized that was what the problem was. Our other greys corns looked different when they started. You could barely see any difference in the pad but he would pull away when you pushed on the pad. A week or two later, you would see the white splinter like core and ring. Mir a may well have a foreign body in there but I wanted to share our experience with Train's corn in case that is what is going on.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Guest zombrie

I saw the area in that toe before reading the other responses and it does look like Train's pad when he first started having corn problems. Later, you could see a distinct core, which looked like a white splinter and a light white circle around that. We had Train's toe "excavated" twice because two vets thought it was q foreign body. They were gong to remove the toe when I read up about corns and realized that was what the problem was. Our other greys corns looked different when they started. You could barely see any difference in the pad but he would pull away when you pushed on the pad. A week or two later, you would see the white splinter like core and ring. Mir a may well have a foreign body in there but I wanted to share our experience with Train's corn in case that is what is going on.


Thank you for sharing! I started putting duct tape on the area, I figured it couldn't hurt even if it wasn't a corn. I am convinced it is a corn because if I press on the area (when I am putting the duct tape on), it drives her crazy and she pulls away and kicks me :P She is fine with her other toes being handled. We may bring her to the vet after we get back from FL just to get her checked out. I am convinced she has arthritis as well, she struggles to stand up sometimes.

We went for a walk today and at some points she was trotting along normally, at other points on three legs :dunno

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Guest dancewkathylee

I'm having the same problem with my girl! I've been struggling with diagnosing her limp for a month! Now, finally, I think I can see an area on her pad to try to treat. I'm going to give the duct tape thing a try. Can't be worse that what they've been doing to her already! :(

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It looks like Maddie's corn to me. She pulls away too when it is pressed on it. We have been using the cream that was mentioned here on GT in another tread and it seems to be working as well as a thera paw when she is on hard surfaces.

Edited by Maddiesmom

Amy Human Mommy to fur baby Maddie (Doobiesaurus) TDI certified. May 5, 2002-September 12, 2014 and Mille (Mac's Bayou Baby)CGC, TDI certified.


http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg"]http://i270. photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg[/img]

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Guest zombrie

It looks like Maddie's corn to me. She pulls away too when it is pressed on it. We have been using the cream that was mentioned here on GT in another tread and it seems to be working as well as a thera paw when she is on hard surfaces.


What is the cream you are using? I've only heard about using duct tape. I will definitely get a thera paw to, if she will wear it! We bought booties to protect her from the salt in the roads and she went into statue mode :lol


I'm having the same problem with my girl! I've been struggling with diagnosing her limp for a month! Now, finally, I think I can see an area on her pad to try to treat. I'm going to give the duct tape thing a try. Can't be worse that what they've been doing to her already! :(


Mira has been struggling for about a month now, too! I hope your girl feels better soon! Stupid corns!

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