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Picky Food Eater

Guest Sasha

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Hi Everyone,


Thank you once again, for everyone that has helped me with Sasha. Just to let everyone now, I have adopted another greyhound. Her name is Willow, she is from the same place we adopted Sasha. She is 3 years old and so far so good! From the first day that we brought her home, she has been behaving as she has lived with us forever. The reason I am posting in this is that I have been mixing her food (what she came with ) and the leftover food I had for Sasha. Sasha, was on a special diet of Wellness Fish and Eagle Pack Fish. Well as of this evening, Willow was fed only the leftovers (fish). Much to my dismay, she would not eat at all. Of course, I stared thinking the worst. (not able to help it, with everything I have been thru with Sasha :( So I tried to force feed her a little bit. She would just spit it out. I pulled out a can of wet food, that was a Chicken stew. She ate that. I mixed the rest of the can with the dry food and she only picked out the stew and would not eat the dry, she actually would spit it out. So I wondered if it was the food (fish) she did not like. So I went out and bought a bag of TOTW venison and gave her that. She ate everything and kept searching for more. I did try mixing it with the fish food, she actually picked out the TOTW food and spit out the fish :lol :lol In all my years of being around dogs, I have never seen that done before. My experience has been they eat everything. Even Sasha would eat anything I would give her. Just goes to show that every experience with greyhounds is different. :)




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I'm sorry about Sasha.


How old is the leftover food? If it's too old, or wasn't stored in an airtight container, it could be bad.





About a month and it was still in the unopened bag. I bought it the weekend before she passed away.

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Guest Swifthounds

She may never have had fish. It's instinctual for dogs to eat new foods that most resemble what they've had previously and avoid things totally foreign. It's a survival skill for avoiding eating poisonous or bad foods. They generalize from what they know.

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Try adding some tripe to her food.

You can get the canned variety at any pet food store.

We've kept it (Lamb Tripe) on hand since our Pointer had a week of being off her feed. She's back on track now, but I have a couple more cans stored away in case she gets more picky episodes.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest ChasesMum



fish is a funny one for us... Chase would get paint peeling gas with fish, kitteh would ONLY eat fish based foods or she would vomit. oy. George just ate everything in S...l...o...w...m...o...t...i...o...n...


you can probably return the Wellness and Eagle Packs in exchange for more TOTW. the stores get the $ back from the rep who gets it back from the manufacturer so they don't care if its opened bags. or you could donate it as well!

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Guest ChasesMum



fish is a funny one for us... Chase would get paint peeling gas with fish, kitteh would ONLY eat fish based foods or she would vomit. oy. George just ate everything in S...l...o...w...m...o...t...i...o...n...


you can probably return the Wellness and Eagle Packs in exchange for more TOTW. the stores get the $ back from the rep who gets it back from the manufacturer so they don't care if its opened bags. or you could donate it as well!


edited the duplicate out.

Edited by ChasesMum
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I have 3 pups that will eat anything, that doesn't eat them first,,, and then the little one, the setter, thinks he lives at Olive Garden, he won't eat anything that doesn't have cheese on it :lol He drives me nutz :headwall ,

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