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Went To The Vet Today...

Guest snoopycomehome

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Guest snoopycomehome

I adopted Dragon last week and was told that he had a 'bruised' foot (one month off the track). He limped off and on, until a few days ago when he started biting his foot and it was bleeding. I noticed a tiny hole in a pad on his back left foot. I started cleaning and bandaging it. By last night, the hole turned into a split across half the pad and it was swollen twice as big as the other one.


I took him to the vet today and we got it drained and treated. He is on antibiotics and pain/anti-inflammatory meds now.Is this something that happens to greys often?

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Guest PhillyPups

Poor Dragon. The only problem I had with a fresh off the track hound was that the pads were soft (being used to sand) and had to toughen up. Sort of like our feet when we first start going barefoot in the summer.


:hope for fast healing for Dragon.

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Not exactly the way you want to start off, but you came to the right place! Welcome! Sorry Dragon has an owie, but the antibiotics should do the trick. Tender/unconditioned pads coupled with whatever caused the cut/split sounds painful. In addition to the epsom salt soak, you may want to consider protecting it from the dirt/outside "stuff" until some serious healing is evident. I use PAWZ DOG BOOTS over infant socks. If he is a "licker", a muzzle with a stool cup will keep him from possibly complicating matters.

Let us know how Dragon's healing progresses, too!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest snoopycomehome

We are near Phoenix...so we have been 50's to 70's. I was doing salt water soaks with various topicals. I was keeping his foot covered with the stretchy IV-type wrap. That is what the vet said to keep doing every 3 days, (they put the same stuff on it) after putting on triple antibiotic ointment. We have to keep that on it til it heals, which could be sev. weeks.


He is doing pretty well now on the meds and more playful :)

I am glad I took him to the vet! We are also going on shorter walks.

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